My married lover

My married lover
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

She has been divorced from her husband for five years. I’m not going to marry a second time - I don’t want my son to have to get used to a stranger. He constantly communicates with his own father, so he does not need a stepfather. I also had enough once, now I want to live freely, for myself. At the moment I am not alone, I havelover , he is married and it suits both of us, I even saw his wife once.

I don’t expect him to leave the family, I don’t need it, but he likes that he doesn’t need to lie, that he will leave the family as soon as the children grow up. Of course, he often says that he doesn’t love his wife at all, and they haven’t had intimate relationships for a long time, that they live together for the sake of children, but I don’t believe it. Yes, for the most part, this doesn't concern me.

We have a great time together: he gives me expensive gifts, if we can’t go on vacation with him, he buys me a ticket and I go with my son. What else do I need from With all this, I am a free woman. I do not need to cook for him, wash, iron and clean, for this he haswife . But in bed he is super, we love to experiment, most likely, this is exactly what he and his wife lack.

I am happy and do not want to change anything in my life yet. Formerhusband is already married again and they havechild . My ex keeps telling me that I'm sono one got married . In response, I only smile and think that he will not be there for a long time either, and with this wife, at best, he will have a mistress, at worst, he will do the same with me.

I do not consider myself guilty before his wife. I also do not blame my ex-husband's wife for taking him away from the family - it means that I myself am to blame for this, that I could not give what he needed. I know that many will condemn me, but I know that if not me, then someone else will take my place. But we women at understand this only when the husband leaves the family.

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