My girlfriend loves both of us

My girlfriend loves both of us
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 18 years old, last year I entered theUniversity , moved into a dormitory. I met my neighbors and found myself among thema guy I'm interested in spending time with, we quickly became friends. This guy met a girl, she studies at the same university as me, but she is not local, from central Russia. She began to come to our hostel, where I actually met her.

I liked her. She began to appear with us more and more often, I began to spend more time with her. It’s interesting to be with her, and I like her too. I went to her rented apartment, sometimes we went somewhere in the city together, in general, we weren’t bored. But I never took the first step towards a relationship, I thought it was not mutual, and since I had never hadgirls as such, I was afraid to screw up, because we would still see each other almostevery day .

This continued until April. In April there was an evening where our entire friendly company gathered, where she was too. We drank a little, she started telling me about something. I called her into the hallway, where she immediately said “kiss me.”

From that momentcommunication became closer and closer, I spent all my free time with her, and so did she. A week later, I asked her to meet, to which she replied: “Aren’t we already dating?”

We began to spend the night in the same bed more often, sharing all ourproblems , swore love to each other, flowers, gifts, etc. She told me that when she didn’t go to the dorm to see my dorm friend, she actually went to see me, she was just embarrassed to say it and that she fell in love with me almost at first sight, but again she was embarrassed to say. She also talked about a guy she was madly in love with when she was in school and right up until she left for my university. She, one might say, loved him. But I'm better. In an intimate sense, she will only be close to true love, who will be the first and only, that’s how she was raised. I was her first.

The school year is over, I have to go to Siberia for work, and she has to go home to Russia. I made her promise that she would not “walk” with anyone. She tearfully asked to call at any time, to wake up with me, to learn how to cook deliciously for my sake, we will live together, when she returns from home, and I am from Siberia, we will havedaughter Polina, etc.

I left. 5 days have passed, I smell something is wrong. I ask the girl, she says that everything is fine, no one interferes or tries to look after me.

I call my best friend, who is in a very trusting relationship with my girlfriend. Fromfriends , I find out thatthe girl is trying to date the guy she loved before (I wrote about him above). That she was driving home with the intention of buildingrelationship with this guy, that she sleeps with him.

I'm writing to thisThe guy should leave the girl behind, otherwise I will come and physical violence will not be avoided. We got to talking, and it turned out that everything that the girl said to me, she also said to the guy. That swears his love for him, that he will arrive soon and is really looking forward to meeting him and wants to be with him. And she simply deleted compromising messages from their dialogue, which she showed me. And when I looked through the dialogue with that guy, there were general phrases like “How are you, how is it at university” and similar things.

The girl hid everything from me, although she had fun to the fullest. Then she promised to tell him that she has me. All she says is: “I’m confused, I don’t know who I need more. I feel good with you and I feel good with him.”

Mya friend corresponds with a girl as soon as possible. And every day the girl’s opinion about me changes: at first she claimed that she loved me but that guy didn’t, then she loved two, then she got confused, then she said that she didn’t love me but was just in love with me. Today I learned from a friend that for a girl that guy is a good, caring and generally wonderful person, and she only needs me to be together in halfrent an apartment , so she doesn’t have enough money to rent alone, and for me to have sex with her, nothing more.

It was all so beautiful, all her words, vows, actions, moments of jealousy, quarrels and reconciliation, requests to never quarrel again... I believed her.

When I wrote to that guy myself, he didn’t believe me at first. Then I sent the evidence. He believed it and was shocked. But the girl managed to persuade him, and he forgave. They had no intimacy.

I do not know what to do. On the one hand, I don’t want to lose her, because... I love it very much. On the other hand, she betrayed me and if I forgive everything, then where is the evidence that she won’t do the same again? In about a week she will come to me, we are not far from each other now. That's where I want to solve everything. What should I do, please tell me.

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