My love addiction

My love addiction
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This is my secondmarriage . She lived with her first husband for 10 years. He was very nice, respectful of me and all members of my family, but I did not like him. In recent years, when he touched me, I wanted to scream out of dislike. They lived together for their son. I successfully made a career, tried to be at home as little as possible. And at the age of 30 she met her onlylove . It covered me so much that I couldn't breathe. He is 10 years older, by that time he was also married to an unloved woman.

At first, it was I who “looked after” him, and not he after me. She even sent flowers to him by courier. She began to write poetry, which she had never done before. She told her first husband everything honestly, while she had not yet changed physically. He reacted with dignity to this, divorced quickly and peacefully. Myloved one did the same. Once, after two months of meetings, he told me that he would not find a better woman than me and asked me to marry him.married (up to this point we did not even have intimacy). I was happy, but somewhere in the depths of my soul it was scary to plunge into the next marriage so quickly, because I had a son (9 years old), I wanted to get to know each other better. But the beloved said that he wants to see me only as an official wife and nothing else. In general, we signed.

He left his first wife's apartment for mine, my wife still lives with . He came to me with a minimal set of clothes and a tool for the job. The first thing I did was to assess the condition of the apartment and start repairs. For a few months everything was fine, I became pregnant with both very desirable daughter, and then thunder struck. It turned out that he was a drunken alcoholic, that is, he could not drink at all for months, and then broke down and drank for days, until he was taken out of the binge with the help of a doctor. There was not even a hint of anything like that when we met. I had never encountered such a problem before and began to look for the cause of his binges in myself. Thought maybe he regretted leaving his ex-wife. I tried in every possible way to persuade him, support him, protected him from his relatives, coded him. And continued to love.

When my daughter was 9 months old, he unobtrusively hinted that I should go to work under the pretext that I was too exhausted at home with the child, and that he could sit with her (work allowed), and my mother helped. I went to work, and three months later his friend called me at work and said that he went to see her husband, and he was in a completely insensible state, drunk in bed and smoking, and his one-year-old daughter was alone with him. I quit my job and rushed home. Seeing what was happening, almost lost the power of speech. I grabbed my daughter, left the necessary things in a bag and went to the bus station. I told my husband that I would stay with a friend for a few days when I returned, so that his spirit would not be there. Soon he came for us, lay at his feet, swore that he could not live without us and that he would never take alcohol in his mouth again. We have returned. I won't go into details but he really does not drink from that day to this day. In general, life improved, we were happy. He proved himself to be a wonderful father, he still does not have a soul in his daughter. Then I quit my job, because I was piled on with a large layer of responsibilities, and I wanted to devote time to my family.My husband began to grumble that this was not the time, he alone would not feed us while I was looking for another job. I did not attach any importance to this then and quickly found a new job. I was making good money. Herethe husband said that it would be good to buy a car, then he could also earn more. Before the wedding, he said that he always went out of his way to provide for his family, worked three jobs (his firstwife worked part-time at a music school). With me, he didn’t have to strain too much, since my profession allows me to live quite securely.

In general, I took a car on credit. He still works on it to this day. Further briefly. The further, the more I had to work, he took it for granted and was indignant when I was left without work even for a very short time. Sudden scandals began to occur, the initiator of which was always he. I endured them very hard, I wanted to escape somewhere. Then stormy reconciliations and then everything in a circle. When he got into an accident, he immediately called me, I dropped everything and rushed to support him. My husband has no friends at all, he says that it’s enough for him to communicate only with me and with his daughter, which he expected from me, he even tried to quarrel me with my close friends (he can’t stand them all, although I never brought them to the house, and help from them was often more than from him). Our conversations with him went like this:advice , support; I say - he interrupts, he is not interested. But he remembers facts forever, which can then be thrown at me as a reproach.

In the end, I was so tired of all this that I offered to split the budget, since I finally felt offended that I paid the lion's share for all his wishes andproblems , without receiving in return any support, support, or at least understanding. In addition, the husband of never hesitated to compare me in bed with his ex-wife, openly turn his neck on every skirt. Although I think he didn’t cheat on me, or maybe I’m just not jealous. I never climbed into his things, phone, car, although he always tried to tightly control me (listened, followed, etc.). I attributed it tofear of losing me.

After the division of the budget, he became somewhat embittered, began to reproach every drop of milk poured intocoffee (sometimes, I forgot to buy it), sometimes it came to a scandal. In the end, I began to understand that he was just using me, not forgetting to regularly ask if I love him. Always sincerely answered yes. I couldn't imagine another man next to me. My husband has ceased to provide me personally with any householdhelp , only sometimes on conditions - you to me, I to you. He raised his hand to me a couple of times, until he gave him an answer and intimidated him with the police. He began to blackmail me, if I don’t do this and that, he will lay it out inInternet my intimate videos, which used to spur him on. Imagine, he still keeps them just in case!

At some point, there was a breakdown in the psyche, I began to take alcohol, it was easier that way. In this state, she could express everything that hurt. Realized that it was not right, asked to support me. He replied that this is my problem, and solve it yourself. When he reminded me how I supported him in the past, he shouted that it was a long time ago, and he himself decided what he expected from me. I’ll note right away that I don’t have any physical craving for alcohol, I drink only light wines, I never feel like getting drunk and it doesn’t interfere with my work. Although I know it's not an option. All my close (since childhood) friends, knowing this situation, could not understand how I am a young, beautiful, successful woman with beautiful children who have already grown up and with my housing I allow myself to be treated this way. I was tired of being ashamed of him, of myself, and I did something stupid. I said on the phone to a particularly annoying friend,lover . After some time, my husband read the recording of this conversation (I don’t know which buttons on I accidentally pressed, that he signed up in memory). He waited two days and on March 8, as soon as I woke up, he beat me as a gift.

I know it's useless to make excuses. She offered to get a divorce (she also suggested before - she didn’t agree, then somehow everything sluggishly flowed on). He replied that he would not leave my apartment anywhere, his daughter had a share of the property in it, and he would live on her meters (she is studying in another city). I asked at least to go to another room, he agreed to this. We do not communicate at all, to requests to go to the registry office and put a stamp on divorce, he replies that he does not have time. I don't ask what to do and I know. Probably, I just needed to speak out, after all, 20 years of life.

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