My little sad relationship story

My little sad relationship story
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since childhood, I have been modest and unconfident: I was afraid to dial a stranger on the phone, and in appearance I was like everyone else + -, I was a little plump. There were few friends at school, there was no talk about girls, I was afraid to even say something to them. And if they showed any interest, I couldn’t even say anything in response and was always stupid.

Closer to high school, I moved to another school and it was as if everything had changed. I started doing more sports, boxing, gym, I lost weight, but there was no increase in attention or sympathy from girls (I only did it for myself). I started to like the way I looked in the mirror. I started communicating more with girls, but I still didn’t understand them. I still couldn’t flirt like the other guys, communicate as if we were friends.

Maybe my mistake was that I compared myself to others. I didn’t come from a particularly rich family and couldn’t afford nice clothes or a cool phone like the others. But any attempts to even make friends aroused distrust or disgust among the opposite sex.

But it somehow worked out with one girl (and that was because she was the first to decide to meet me). She was very beautiful, sociable and generally took part in all school activities and was the girl I only dreamed of.

At first, I didn’t understand how I, who didn’t even hold hands with a girl, could communicate with her, I didn’t understand what to talk to her about, I was dumb as usual. But after about six months of, so to speak, greetings and communication on various topics, I decided to ask her out on a date or, in that case, just to meet. She refused in all cases.

Then I started noticing how she was hanging out with other guys, posting pictures on social networks, and I started to get jealous. At that time, I probably fell in love with her if I still remember her to this day, although now we sometimes see each other, but we don’t communicate and she hashusband . If I had been more confident in myself then and more sociable, then maybe something would have worked out. But I haven’t forgotten her and, probably, I will never forget.

There were othersgirls at that time, but I didn’t pay attention to them, only she was in my thoughts.

So I finished school, except that I made friends. And it was difficult to call them friends, but I began to walk more and communicate with different people around me. I went to university, but didn’t meet anyone there and no one met me. I found a couple more friends with whom I still communicate.

When I entered another university, I lived in a dormitory where there were many girls, but there was still no attention from outside. And they changed guys like gloves, and I couldn’t interest them in any way. I tried to meet one, but she didn’t like me and she preferred to choose another guy who was more experienced than me.

It seems like everyone close to me says that I’m handsome, but why don’t I still have a girlfriend? I don't know myself. I dropped out of school, started dating more on the Internet, went on a lot of dates, but it never worked out, I didn’t see that I was loved by at least one. For all the girls, I was not interesting enough to communicate further. Benefit, I saw that, but no feelings. I communicated a lot through correspondence, but maybe 1/10 of the time it came to a meeting. Werea relationship in which something worked out, but it didn’t last long. Jealousy , betrayal, complete failureunderstanding of the future... It’s not all mine.

I don’t know whether I’m just so unlucky, or if it’s like this for everyone, although no matter who I look at, the rest give birth to children and live together for 2-3 years and everything is stable for them. The girls just hang themselves on them and there is no end.

Well, if it was interesting to read, then write down your opinion, write your relationship history or give me good advice, please.

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