My failed attempt to get married

My failed attempt to get married
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mikhail and I worked together and met there. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, but the problem was that Misha hadfamily . Although they were not married to their wife, they lived in a civil marriage, but they had a commonchild . He told a sad story of his life, from which it followed that he and his wife had strainedrelationship and live together only because of their son. Therefore, he is in no hurry to formalize the relationship.

Our meetings had already lasted about a year, when Mikhail finally decided to break up with his common-law wife and she, taking the child, left him. And soon I moved in with him on the condition that we formalize our relationship. He agreed, but asked to wait a little.

I decided to change the situation in his apartment, where it had long been necessary to put things in order. Orhis wife was not the owner, or she knew that she was living here temporarily, but I had to get down to business.

I made renovations, changed the furniture and thought that now nothing would stop us from having a wedding. But For some reason Mikhail constantly found all sorts of excuses and stalled for time. On mythe question answered: “Where should we rush? Why do you feel bad about me?”

And at some point I realized that this would continue for a long time, and for the first time we had a serious quarrel. I decided to move in with my parents for a while so that Misha would understand that he needed me. I was waiting for him to at least call and apologize.

But I couldn’t believe that during my absence, he had made peace with his ex-wife and she was living with him again. I was very upset. That she came to everything ready that I did in the apartment.

I quit my job to never see him again and tryforget the insult done to me. But sometimes I think that maybe this is for the better, because Mikhail is one of those men who are afraid to take responsibility for the family.

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