My sister wants to get a divorce, but she is afraid that her husband will kill her

My sister wants to get a divorce, but she is afraid that her husband will kill her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

With my future husband my youngestsister went to the same class. They got married early, at the age of 20. “Out of great love,” as she said, but in reality it was just in the air. 7 months after the wedding, they had a childson, who is now 4 years old.

To meMy sister never liked her husband: he was cute, stupid, aggressive, spoiled. At school age, these are exactly what girls like, and my sister was no exception. Our city is small, far from the capital, everyone knows each other, so our parents were not particularly delusional about their future son-in-law. As they said, an apple comes from an apple tree, but the apple tree there is so-so - no cola, no yard, they drink, swear, there was never a single book in the house. Sister could have had good thingsfuture, if she went to study in Moscow, but what now...

The husband of my sister got a job in the police after the army. He was not particularly interested in his family, he drank, cheated, and beat her. They live in a one-room apartment, almost in the center, left to him by his grandmother. He brought home little money, only a salary, but did not deny himself anything - bribes. Sister kept hoping that everything would get better for them. My parents and I didn’t believe it, we sighed, but we didn’t interfere with their family. At first, of course, they climbed - nerves were not iron, but after several scandals in which my sister took a sidehusband, they abandoned attempts to help and reason.

And then the “special operation” happened. My sister’s husband signed a contract, they promised him an easy walk “like in the Crimea” for goodmoney and new career prospects. I think you already know very well how this walk turned out in the end. From his rare calls, retold by his sister, we knew that he had ended up in the Kiev direction, that a little more than half of his brigade was left, but “they had already taken revenge on these creatures.”

A few days ago, my sister came running to me in tears and said that she would be getting a divorce. The reason was parcels from her husband, which she received from Belarus. The parcels contained 4 expensive phones, gold and silver jewelry, cosmetics, women's and children's clothing... Some were new, even with tags, from looted stores, the rest was probably stolen or from corpses.

After her story, my husband and I were shocked. That is, we didn’t expect much from our son-in-law before, but we didn’t consider him a murderer and looter. But if a person’s moral principles have atrophied so much that he sends stolen clothes to his own son, how can you, excuse me, go to bed with him? Especially after the rumors about what our army did to women in the Kyiv suburbs... And his leaked telephone confessions about “revenge” also do not speak of anything good. There are other reservations that I don’t want to write about on the Internet, even anonymously.

Neither my sister nor I know what to do yet. Her school romance, along with the drinking, cheating and beatings of her husband, has already faded away, but she simply has nowhere to go. There is no education, no work experience (before maternity leave, I worked as a waitress for six months), my figure sank after giving birth, and there are no savings either. Plus, it’s hard to find work now, and prices are rising. If after school and before the birth of her son she could try to move to Moscow, now she clearly won’t be able to do it even with our help. I will give her money, of course, but my husband (who worked as a cook in a restaurant) is also about to lose his job, and we have rented housing. She doesn’t want to tell her parents anything for obvious reasons and won’t ask them for money.

The sister hasn’t said anything to her husband yet, because... she's afraid that he'll just kill her on the sly. Even before the war he was not very balanced, but after everything he experienced there, he probably went completely crazy. But she cannot bring herself to live with such a husband.

Please advise what to do. Maybe you can see it better from the outside. Thanks in advance foradvice on the matter.

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