My life after my wife cheated

My life after my wife cheated
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married for the first time at the age of 20. It all started well, but ended sadly. My wife cheated on me with a colleague from work and got burned stupidly. Eventuallylover's wife filed fordivorced and threw him out, he moved to the south. Mine cried and beggedforgive , but at the same time she said that we were both to blame. He stayed and forgave for the sake of the children.

They lasted three years. The children are already adults (sons are 17 and 18 years old). My wife and I are strangers. And then I met someone else, we started talking, found a kindred spirit in her, my feelings overwhelmed me, I practically changed her, at the last moment I called hermy daughter asked me to sit with my grandson. After that I realized that I needed to get a divorce. Divorced. We lived with the other one for a year and separated, she didn’t want tomarried (was divorced and doesn’t want to anymore).

Then free swimming and spree for another two years. After a while, the ex-wife got in touch and began to persuade me to start all over again. At some point, nostalgia played a role, and we started dating. But I quickly realized that this was nonsense. She had been a stranger for a long time, and no matter how beautiful was, it was all just a game, she didn’t like her, and I was already different. In general, we separated, this time forever.

Now everyone lives their own lives, and we only meet occasionally with our children. Like thislife . I don't know if anyone will understand or not. WritingConfession is probably more for myself.

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