Is it possible to start life over?

Is it possible to start life over?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story is about howlife gives you what you ask for and not quite.

I once hadthe family seemed happy,husband is a good man, kind, perky, smart,There was love , only gradually everything just turned into gray everyday life. This is a long story, but we broke up, the children stayed with me, I continue to love him, but I understand that we will no longer be together.

There were many different circumstances, in the endMy husband is no longer alive! I meet a good manThe man is very purposeful, stable, with a healthy outlook on life, does not drink, does not smoke, is good with children, and also with me. We have been communicating for a year, but there is one “but”. I don’t have such strong feelings for him, no craving, no super attraction. I still love my ex-husband, it’s hard to accept another person.

It always seems to me that he is too cloying, maybe he’s being forced, I don’t know, he’s adapting to me. He has an exwife andson , they don’t need anything, he keeps in touch regularly, but something doesn’t let me near him. Either I'm not ready for something new, or I just don't even want to.

How to start a new life if your heart cannot love another? Don't judge strictly, just curious, has anyone had one like this?experience how to start life over again? I have goals to go outI’m not married , but it’s hard to be alone. Maybe this is not my person, or my subconscious doesn’t want to intuitively let him in?

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