Can my husband be called a decent person?

Can my husband be called a decent person?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I already wrote here that I regret that I did not divorce my husband earlier and did not become happy. And soThe divorce took place, the property was divided. It would seem that they separated and everyone went their own way. This is exactly how I imagined the relationship would end. All scandals are in the past. Children, who are already quite adults and have families, will get angry, and although they will not purr with you in the evenings, they will understand that this happens, people get tired of each other and disperse. ANDRelationships with both mother and father are now built separately. But in my case this doesn't happen. My family won’t let me go again or how else can I explain it.

I don’t want to describe all the vicissitudes of the litigation, but during the divorce process, many pitfalls emerged, including from the husband’s side. Once upon a time, a long time ago, we discussed with him how to break up. And he assured me that everything should be fair, feelings aside and neither side should be thrown overboard, since both had invested throughout their entire life together. In principle, I am far from a naive person, but for some reason I took this literally.

Since then, I haven’t followed how or what is designedhusband , to whom taxes are paid, etc. He always reported to me that he had paid his taxes and had no debts on utilities. When registering the dacha and the plot, I gave a general power of attorney for all the property, since he gave me his word. And it turned out that they privatized one apartment for him, I refused. Small apartment where the youngest livesdaughter for two, bigan apartment purchased with a mortgage, also for two. And there seems to be no catch.

He gave me a dacha. But during the divorce, he forgot his promises. As it turned out, he immediately registered the garage for his eldest daughter, I didn’t know anything, my car was parked there. When preparing the deed of gift for the dacha, mistakes were made, andthe court considered the deed of gift to be insignificant; my husband also did not compensate for the fact that I refused privatization (the right to live in the apartment remained, but there was no property). A daughter and her are registered in a small apartmentfamily , and he gave his share to his daughter 4 years ago And he insisted that the large apartment be legalized 50/50, that is, without monetary compensation.

And mine also gave me awaymom . I had an account andmoney from him, which I did not hide in any way, but at a time of sharp jumps in the dollar, on the advice of a friend, I exchanged it at a low rate, and a year later I returned it at the highest rate (the amount doubled) and carelessly boasted to my mother. I told my husband in passing that I had successfully completed the deal, he didn’t ask, I didn’t elaborate. I returned the money to the general account, and put the profit into my own. In addition, the husband had a car loan, which he took out for his daughter, and his son-in-law paid for it, and this also came up in court. Well, the court divided this loan in half. As a result, it turned out that having both real estate and money, I could not realize anything.

But the husband’s tricks did not end there. He moved into a privatized apartment, and now my eldest daughter and her family live with me. Instead of two rooms, I live in one, because when my daughter moved, I allowed her to make a nursery, now she won’t give me this room, she says, sue. It turned out to be a communal apartment. She behaves simply disgracefully. Does not allow me to communicate with my grandchildren, who immediately walk around the apartment. At first she spoke in a raised voice, shouting that I don’t understand what a family is at all, and then she completely declared a boycott and she and her son-in-law have not spoken for almost a year.

And at the same time, during self-isolation, I took care of my husband, he was sick, took him to doctors, massages, to a speech center, and studied with him at home. I could have refused to do all this, because we were practically divorced, and blamed it on my daughters, but I didn’t do it. And all I wanted from him was for everything to be fair and normal.

It turned out that I had worked for my family all my life, but what was the outcome?

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