My husband left me for his pregnant mistress

My husband left me for his pregnant mistress
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My life story will be simple and as old as time.

We met my husband at a corporate party, he is a manager, and I just recently came to work as a secretary to the head of a department. We very rarely crossed paths, but then it seemed to me that my eyes were opened, and I gave him a chance.

He courted me beautifully, and I reciprocated. I loved, and he simply respected. Without hiding, he said thatlove is secondary, it will come someday, butfriendship and support are the most important things in a relationship. I agreed and this is probably my biggest mistake. You can't joinmarriage without love .

A few years later he proposed to me and I accepted. I didn’t think for a long time, because I really wanted a family and marriage. He, as I later found out, married for the sake of the children. After the wedding, he instantly turned all his attention topregnancy . He endlessly repeated that he needed children and the clock was ticking (he was only 32), but he had been dreaming about fatherhood almost from the cradle. Everything is ourscommunication at first came down to the question,am I pregnant , and then why not can do it as soon as possible.

For six years I tried in vain to become a mother, a lot of doctors and consultations, cried tears and grievances. After every trip to the doctor, we argued, he broke down and went somewhere, returning only in the morning. I thought that he was spending the night with his parents or in a hotel, I never bothered about it, my thoughts were occupied with other things, but in vain. My husband said that I wasn't even capablegive birth to a child, but at his age he cannot bear children, and his sister-in-law was pressing her, because she already had three children, and I cannot bear even one. One day she came to me and said that mymy husband has another one. Her name is Victoria and she is much younger than me. This was a year ago, and naturally I didn’t believe her, knowing herattitude towards me. But she was telling the truth.

After a while mythe man challenged me to a serious conversation. He admitted that he had another woman and that she was pregnant by him. Knowing how much he wants children, she will give him a baby. I begged him to stay, said that I would have more children and was humiliated. But he left, it was very painful and terribly offensive. My whole meaning in life was concluded and focused on one person, and I closed myself off. I immersed myself in my work and didn’t think about anything.

I'm starting to come to my senses little by little and I'm wondering if I should try.bring back my husband. Recently from myColleagues , I found out that they got married and are expecting a baby. I seem to be happy for my husband, but I don’t know what to do. I want to let go, but I don’t know how. He left me an apartment andSometimes he even sends money , but that doesn’t save me. What to do?

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