The husband is even ready for divorce because of greed

The husband is even ready for divorce because of greed
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

First year of relationship, then first year of marriagemy husband was generous, attentive, we went on dates, he provided for us. I also worked, butI spent money on myself and, of course, of my own free will on my family,products . Then the financial situation worsened,husbands wereproblems at work, they began to pay for everything together.

It's been 3 years of marriage, the situation has stabilized, my husband works and earns 2.5 times more than me. But, as it was, it remains so. We continue to pay almost half for everything (rent, food, utilities). We don’t go anywhere, nowhere at all, no cinema, no restaurant, no trips. Nothing since July. Work home. The husband argues that there is no money, but in fact, he is just lazy; on weekends he prefers to sit at home or in his garage, rummaging around in the car. Even when I offer to buy tickets to a movie, theater, or anywhere personally at my own expense, my husband refuses, saying: “If you want, go yourself.”

My husband absolutely stopped spending money on me as a woman. I buy groceries, pay utilities, my husband pays rent for an apartment and car maintenance (only he drives a car, I don’t have a license yet, I can’t even ask him to take me to work/to the hospital/to the store, even in bad weather - no time, tired, lazy). I pay for all my needs myself (clothes, dentist, manicure, cosmetics, driving instructor). My husband doesn’t buy me anything, no flowers, no gifts, even for the holidays. For eachholiday, by some miracle it turns out that he has no money (salary was delayed, the car broke down, etc., etc.).

Today I came after dental treatment, I didn’t stop at the store on the way, I’m tired and the weather is bad, I ask you to buy itmilk home, since tomorrow morning there is nocoffee neither for me nor for him. The husband’s answer: “Well, you buy groceries, give me money for milk.” For milk!? I started a scandal, honestly, this is beyond my strength. Let me remind you that for the first two years there was no trace of greed, what happened? I ask directly: “Have you stopped loving? Do you want a divorce? He answers: “I haven’t stopped loving you, but if you feel more comfortable without me, you can leave, I’ll survive.”

There are no words. He also said that he had no desire to give me anything, pay me, buy me anything, because it was me who had changed, “sawing my brains out,” trying to leave at his expense. Of course, over this year I have become depressed, nervous, I don’t want to sleep with him, because I feel that I’m just comfortablea wife with whom you can live half-and-half, not buy anything, not give anything and save, while having a cook, a cleaner andsex .

Am I doing something wrong? What should I do?

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