Husband loves first wife

Husband loves first wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married late, at 36 years old. Uthis is my husband's secondmarriage _ He first told me how bad his first one waswife , which flattered me very much. I tried my best to be better than her, butmy husband didn't appreciate it. She was a good and understanding wife, even when her husband stayed late after work, as he said, with friends. But I soon found out that he was communicating with his first “bad” wife!

I started asking my husband’s friends about his first marriage and the reason for the divorce and learned a lot of interesting things. It turned out that the first wife was younger than him, very impressive and beautiful, loved a beautifullife didn’t want children. She also did not want to get a divorce, so they divorced with scandal. While the resentment against her was still fresh, my husband said all sorts of nasty things about her, but apparentlylove is stronger than resentment.

Then the calls started. My ex-wife called my husband to quarrel, to tell him not to dare interfere in her life. I had to listen to all this almostevery day . I told him that she was right, she is now a free woman and can do whatever she wants,, and if he cares so much about it, he should not have gotten a divorce. My husband hit me for the first time! I packed his things and called a taxi. He left, slamming the door.

I cried the whole night, and the next morning my mother-in-law called, beggingforgive him. She said that she had just begun to live calmly when he married me, and then again he could return to his first wife. A week later, the husband also appeared and asked for forgiveness. But it seems to me that he first tried to persuade his ex-wife to live together again, and when she refused, he returned to me.

I said I don't want to see him. I love him, but I understand that he loves his ex-wife and there will never be peace in our family. And I can’t forgive assault!

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