My husband won't let me go

My husband won't let me go
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I leftget married very early. At 18 years old. It was strong, all-consumingLove . My husband carried me in his arms, and I simply adored him. We supported each other and understood each other perfectly.

We moved to another city. Where both began to receive education and work. For many years we adjusted our daily life, bought a large apartment, and developed a business. But everything began to collapse after 7 years.

My husband really wanted a child, but I couldn’t conceive. After three miscarriages, IVF attempts, endless doctors, tests and reproaches from him, something broke in me. It seemed to me that every part of my body hurt and ached. As if it was infected with something, dirty.

I worked with a psychologist, but it didn’t get any easier. My husband began to stay late, I found out that he was cheating on me. He didn't even deny it. But I couldn’t leave, I had no strength, and there was nowhere to go.

My parents died when I was still a teenager, leaving only a small apartment in my hometown. There was no more property of his own. Yes, it was joint. Bank accounts, a country house, but it was all confiscated. The husband was accused of fraud, and he barely paid off. Got off with a suspended sentence.

We lost everything we had. I had to return to my hometown, to my apartment. I don't know why I didn't leave. Why didn't you get divorced? I hoped that everything would work out, that we could stillbring back our feelings, ourmarriage .

I believed in the best, tried to make our apartment more comfortable, cooked, waitedhusband from work (got a job at a friend’s company). I wanted to get a job myself, but he didn’t let me. He said that he would get back on his feet and be able to earn even more than before.

We did not starve, although we did not live richly and were in debt, but I believed him. He was very smart and promised me that everything would work out. During the time we lived there, I became close to my school friends. With my ex-best friend still here. Through her I met Sasha, her brother.

Things have not been all right at home for a long time. Cold and empty. My husband had completely cooled off towards me, and I suspected that he had found himself a mistress again. I felt lonely and sad. And Sasha supported me, cheered me up, helped me.

I resisted at first, but then I couldn’t resist my feelings and cheated on my husband. He is trying to persuade me to leave my husband. But I remember once talking to my husband about divorce and how angry he got. He smashed furniture, screamed, I thought he was going to kill me. He never touched me, but I'm still very afraid of him.

Sasha and I did not use any protection. Although the doctors did not diagnose me with infertility, I had already given up. But recently I realized that it was in vain. Ipregnant _ The period is three weeks.

I didn’t want to tell my husband, but he found out himself. I accidentally saw my test. He wasn't happy. Didn't show any emotion. He only said that most likely I won’t convey this either. Because it's defective.

I packed my things and decided to apply fordivorce , but he didn’t even let me leave the house. He threatened that if I tried to leave, he would hand me over to the police. Our business was joint and he knows that he can impose a deadline on me I didn't know about the scam, but that doesn't matter.

I feel trapped. I don't know why he needs it. After all, he doesn't love me at all. But if he finds out that the child is not his. I'm afraid to even think about it.

I do not know what to do. The most important thing for me now is my baby. I’m very afraid for him, I’m afraid of losing this tiny life inside me again and I’m ready to do anything to save it.

But suddenly myis your husband right? And I really can't stand it? I can't bear another nightmare like this.

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