The husband does not love his son, but only loves his daughter

The husband does not love his son, but only loves his daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My son is 12 years old, there is also a younger one in the familydaughter - 5 years old. The father pays more attention to his daughter, he and his son are very tenserelationship _ The child began to behave very difficultly. Perhaps this is how he requires his father’s attention, or maybe it’s just bad for him to be alone (he has no friends at school, he’s very withdrawn). At home he sits at the computer, and when asked to do something else he answers: “What else should I do?” He has no one to call, no one to go for a walk with. All of himlife revolves around us.

We live very secluded (we are abroad now). On his own, my son is very sensitive and nervous.child . When there were scandals at home, and there were often, the son usually suffered the most. He asked us not to quarrel, but is it really that easy? The best solution for my entire family would be for me and my husband to get a divorce. But I couldn't. And the son gradually began to hate his father (perhaps he does not hate him, but he is in great pain). It hurts becausehis father not only ignores him, but for some reason puts him in the background, “pushes aside”, in comparison with his sister.

All of himthe pain is expressed in bad aggressive behavior especially towards the father and sister. Living in this is completely unbearable. Why am I writing all this? The fact is that I tried to talk to my husband, tried to talk to my son. Explain to one person that the child needs attention, even through “I can’t.” And to another, that dad still loves him, only in his own way (whether this is true, I’m not sure myself), it’s just that fathers usually fuss more with their daughters. But neither one nor the other wants to change.

My son became very aggressive at home. Almost immediately I burst into tears. He reacts very sharply to prohibitions, no matter what. Constantly compares herself to her sister. His father calls him a moron and an idiot. And my heart is breaking, it’s so hard to bear all this. The child is crippled. And today I broke down. I told the child that I hate him, that he ruined my whole life, that it would be better if he didn’t exist. Yes, I quickly walked away, apologized, and said that I loved her. But test-antibiotic.comthe wound has already been made. What do i do? How to save my son? Help with advice.

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