The husband does not love his child, but is ready to raise strangers

The husband does not love his child, but is ready to raise strangers
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 30 years olddaughter is 2 years old, it so happened that my common-law husband and I separated when our daughter was 3 months old. He is 15 years older than me.

We dated for 4 years, but we couldn’t get married; we kept putting it off until later. And I suddenly became pregnant and I tell him about it. He was happy and we began to prepare for family life. We had a small wedding. There was no registration, but he promised that we would definitely register later.

As time passed, the belly began to grow, and it began to change accordingly. He became irritable because he was spending a lot ongroceries , utilities, etc. He started calling me old and fat. I always met him after work with a laid table with a delicious dinner, and in the morning I accompanied him to work, although I was pregnant.

I rearranged the house, but he didn’t like it, he shouted at me, I decided to put things in order in his clothes, I removed the old things, because of this I also got it. No matter what I did, he began to dislike everything. He was always angry. I wanted to talk to him all the time, why he had changed, why he didn’t like what I was doing. He created a scandal himself, then went to stay with friends for the night. I thought maybe he wasn’t used to having another person living with him, because he lived alone for a long time, and then I showed up.

I was really looking forward to the birth of the child and hoped that we would become a real family. After giving birth, it took a very long time to recover; I had a caesarean section. We began to irritate him even more. He could leave for 2 days due to the fact thatthe child does not let him sleep. I was offended when he said that, I cried and also lashed out at him, saying that this was also his child. The relationship deteriorated, he began to come home drunk, saying that he was tired, the child’s crying irritates him. Spring came, and we had a big fight with him, he kicked us out, I took my 3-month-old baby and went home to my parents. I decided not to call him, let him be alone.

A month has passed, he doesn’t call, doesn’t ask how we are. I started calling him myself. It was felt from his voice that he was feeling well. This offended me, I thought that he, older than me, would love us and the child too, in the end, he would value the family. All this time we tried to get together, but it always startedwe have a quarrel . He said that he was tired, that he was sick. It’s been 2 years since I’ve been living with my parents and I’m waiting for him to come to his senses and bring us back. In September of this year I meet a neighbor, and she says that yours got married. It turns out that a woman with two children lives with him. I went to him, took my daughter, and pretended that I didn’t know what had happened. When I entered the house, I saw the children, I saw this woman who was wearing my clothes, and even put my slippers on herself. Slept on my bed. I bought this set myself. I can't get over all this. I feel so bad, I can’t calm down.

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