My husband won't allow me to give my daughter an apartment.

My husband won't allow me to give my daughter an apartment.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband inherited itapartment from my aunt. Small, but almost in the center of our city.

We have three children. The eldest daughter is 19 years old. She studies at the institute. Sons are 13 and 6 years old. We live in a nice three-room apartment. There is still enough space for everyone.

My husband and I almost quarreled over this inheritance. I propose sending my daughter to live there. She is already an adult and independent girl, she will soon start her own family. The husband believes that this is unfair to his sons and wants to sell the apartment and dividethe money is divided equally between our three children. I think this option is completely unreasonable. The amounts will be such that it is impossible to buy separate housing for all children. While the younger ones grow up, the money will just sit in the accounts. And the eldestMy daughter will probably only be able to buy a car. I believe that a bird in the hands is better... Let at least onethe child will definitely be provided with housing, and the age of the boys still allows us to decidequestion later.

The husband thinks that in the future there will be no peace between the brothers and sister because of this apartment. I am sure that everything will be fine, the boys still don’t really understand the whole situation, and over time it will be possible to do something for their sons.

We don’t involve our daughter in our conversations and thoughts yet. We want to make a decision ourselves first. AlsoMy husband is against my option, because the apartment requires serious repairs if we move there, and at the moment we don’t have enough finances for this.

I want to hear an outside opinion,what is the best way to proceed ? Is it worth further convincing?husband or give in and take his side? Maybe there is another option that I don't see?

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