My husband doesn't pay attention to me or the kids.

My husband doesn't pay attention to me or the kids.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been married for 4 years and have been living together for 5 years. We have two children, 3 years oldson and 7 monthsdaughter . MyMy husband is a workaholic, he is constantly at work, comes late, and on weekends he is also constantly at work or in the yard doing business. His attention is not enough for me or the children, they are drawn to him, but he somehow pushes them away. There is no mutual understanding in our relationship, no respect for me. The whole house, garden, children are on me, he practically doesn’t help around the house, I have to ask his parents for help.

At the same time, he believes that I do nothing and that I don’t get tired of it. He doesn’t respect me, he can yell at me if he doesn’t like something, insult me, call me names, he even teaches his son nasty things about me, thinking that it’s funny. There is no support from him, I understand that it is largely my fault that I allowed myself to shoulder everything. But that's how he was raisedtheir mother carries the whole house on herself and is still ready to wipe her sons’ noses. We don’t talk to my husband at all, he doesn’t share anything, he doesn’t consult with me about what’s best.

We are currently undergoing construction, and I don’t even know where everything will be. When I try to find out, he avoids answering; if I try to tell him something, he grumbles that I don’t give him orders. It's getting harder for me. Before the birth of children, of course, this did not happen, with the advent of my daughter the situation worsened, perhaps he lacks my attention and he shows it like thatJealousy towards children, I don’t know.

No, he loves children too, he just doesn’t know how to behave with them, doesn’t know how to raise them, so he only teaches them dirty tricks. But I no longer have the desire to pay attention to him, I no longer feel attraction to him, it’s easier for me to go to another room and not see his indifference, everything in sex is also getting worse, it has become less frequent with us and I don’t feel anything for him, Don't want. No I lovehusband , I understand that he is trying for us, for the children, so that they have everything, but sometimes it seems to me that hislove is measured by money. And the family needs his attention. I don't know how to bring this to him.

How to learn to talk to him, I am a very reserved person, it’s difficult for me to talk to him, I don’t know how to talk about problems. I think he thinks that everything is fine with us and there are no problems. And if I start talking about them, he will say that I don’t appreciate that he plows like a horse, and everything is not enough for me.

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