My husband doesn't know how to rest

My husband doesn't know how to rest
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

II ’m married , I’m 30 years old, my husband is 43. My husband and I can’t come to an agreement. I really like to travel (at my own expense). Turkey, Egypt once a year to relieve stress from work, school, everyday life, I really need it! My husband doesn’t like to travel, he doesn’t need it, for him going to the village and living in the house is a thrill, but for me it’s not a vacation.

I tell him: “Then let’s go to the village for a week in the summer, and I’ll go to Turkey at this time.” But this option does not suit him either. My husband doesn’t want to fly on holiday with me, but he doesn’t want to let me go either.

What is the right thing to do in this situation? Give me some advice please.

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