My husband doesn't believe that I love him

My husband doesn't believe that I love him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The author of the story writes that he is jealous of his wife’s ex-husband. And my current oneMy husband is also jealous of my ex-husband.

At the age of 19 I leftI didn’t marry for love, I gave birth to three sons. We lived with him for 10 years, and five years ago we divorced. My ex-husband beat me, insulted me, and I couldn’t stand his assault and left him. Three children live with me.

After 2 years I meet my current onea husband whom I truly loved and gave birth to a son from him. Now we communicate with my ex-husband only about issues related to our three children, and nothing extra, but my currentmy husband is jealous of him.

I tell him that after the divorce, my ex-husband and I had nothing (I mean kisses, hugs orsex ). Not now either. I tell my current husband that I love him very, very much, and the restI want to live my life only with him. But he doesn't believe me.

What should I do? I don't want to lose my husband, I can't live without him.

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