The husband left the pregnant woman and soon got married

The husband left the pregnant woman and soon got married
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my ex-husband 2 years ago. A year ago I became pregnant. My husband kept looking for a job, but “that’s not mine, that’s not mine.” In the end, I barely got settled. I met a girl at work. And away we go. He came drunk in the morning, messages on his phone from her: “Do you remember what you promised me?” I decided to talk to him. He denied everything. He said that she was his friend and was just helping. Later he comes home without a ring, then I find out that he took ita loan for a decent amount, I pawned the ring. In the end, she still remained guilty. He said that I got him.

He leaves, and I was admitted to the hospital for conservation at the 16th week of pregnancy. He never came, and his mother-in-law said: “negotiate, pay and have an abortion.” After which they blacklisted me. As a result, she was left pregnant and still with a loan (his mother was given a TV forbirthday , they issued a loan for me).

After 2 months, my mother-in-law calls me and says that collectors called her and said that he did not pay the loan, and that they would come to to describe the property at her house. I explained to her that I didn’t know why he took that amount, but the loan for the TV was issued to me. Then my mother-in-law asked if I had savedpregnancy . And she said: “if it weren’t for your pregnancy, I would not have communicated with you. And who will it be? I answered that it was a girl. And what she wanted to call it was what she called it later. With mother in lawrelations improved. She came to visit. Then the exthe husband began to come in the morning drunk and say the same thing: “I love her, but I’ll just come to you and my daughter.” I asked him to cover the loan for the TV, since I went on maternity leave and was left without money. Closed it every other time. I went into debt to pay off a loan for a TV.

The girl whom my ex-husband met was not stupid, she wrote to him why he was coming to see me, that she would give birth to him herself, and that it was supposedly not hischild . The mother-in-law knew all this and talked more than once with her husband and his mistress. daughter was born. She named her what her mother-in-law wanted. On the day of birth, the mother-in-law arrived, and the ex-husband also came to the maternity hospital. We held our daughter for 10 minutes and left. No one came to be discharged from them. My husband turned off his phone. The mother-in-law referred to the fact that she was celebrating the birthday of her youngest son and would arrive the next day on business and at the same time spend the night. For the birth of my daughter, my mother-in-law gave me a small amount (which I immediately put toward the loan) and a towel.

Six days after the maternity hospital, we were admitted to the hospital. To which the ex-husband wrote: “what will happen ifwon't treatment help? And then I got carried away. No, to reassure me that everything will be fine, how can he help. So he writes this! As it turned out, he was already living with his mistress. He did not provide any support to the child, did not help financially. When my daughter was not yet two months old, talking with my mother-in-law, I learned from her that he was getting married. And the mother-in-law went to matchmaking. Before that, she asked to sell one thing. Initially she said how I would sell it so thatI left the money for my daughter on mixture, sinceMy milk is gone. But then the mother-in-law outplayed and asked her for money after selling the itemreturn them because she needs them herself. It was later that I found out that she spent it on the wedding of her son and his mistress. I asked her not to come to us anymore. To which she replied that it was hersson , and how she won’t go to the wedding. Then she said I was wrong. That I insulted her, that she gave me everything. After this phrase, I wrapped all her gifts and gave them back.

My ex-husband called after that. He said that he should be happy and that we are indifferent to him. He accused me of not letting me see my daughter, although he didn’t come himself. As it turned out later, hemy mother told him not to come to the discharge in order to avoid a conflict situation with my mother and my friends. As a result, my daughter was not yet three months old when they got married. After this, the mother-in-law writes comments on their wedding photos - “I love you,, be happy my family.” I quickly changed my shoes. Although before that she said that let them do whatever they want, but she won’t go to any wedding. I never thought that this would happen to me. Hurt.

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