My husband took revenge not only on me, but also on the children.

My husband took revenge not only on me, but also on the children.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The husband demands a constant report on the purchases made. Moreover, from his lips it sounds like “get advice” before buying something. It doesn’t sound scary, but I feel this “consultation” as a need to ask permission for everything. It’s stupid to ask for advice on whether to buy me tights, underwear or face cream; I’m silent about any cosmetic procedures. And basically he doesn’t like my choice, or he’s dissatisfied, or he says that now is not the time, or (his favorite phrase) that now this is not the most necessary thing.

I need to discuss literally every purchase with him. I cannot, like an ordinary person, go into a store and buy a dress, shoes, or bag that I like. Even buying dishes or small items for the kitchen without it is a scandal. To buy clothes for children, and we have two of them, we also need to get his consent.

Someone might think that I don’t work, but this is far from the case. I started working while I was on maternity leave with my youngest child, and I mainly support the family. My husband currently has a part-time job, which is good for if he can only support himself.

I envy girls who can go shopping for boots and come back with a dress. If we go shopping for sneakers, we only go to sports shoe stores. I get things like this: orMom will buy it and bring it, or the size won’t fit a friend, or a neighbor will give away unnecessary children’s things. Gifts forI buy my birthday for myself, but with his consent - he goes with me and “advises”. The same thing happens if I want to meet a friend. You need to go either with him ora friend comes to visit us.

The last straw was the purchase of table lamps for the nursery. I really liked them, I didn’t dare tell him, and I didn’t have time, especially since I was sure that he would speak negatively. Naturally, I bought the lamps with my ownmoney (I already said that I mainly support the family). Reaction The husband followed immediately; he was not stopped even by the fact that the lamps were delivered on March 7 on the eve of the holiday. He stopped talking to meI get no help whatsoever. Utility bills, test-antibiotic.comloan , payment for kindergarten, telephone, Internet - everything is on me, and he decided to take it out on the children as well. We take them to kindergarten by car, he decided that he would drive them and I would pick them up. Thus, we now go home by public transport, and he is at home at this time.

Somy husband “punishes” me for being independent, saying that you wanted to, so do everything yourself. I try to explain, to reach him, but the answer is always the same: “wefamily , which means always asking for advice on everything.”

I told only about one of our family problems. It may seem to some that I am obsessed with stores and things, but this is not at all the case. I am not a spender, I know how to earn money, save money and spend money wisely. I don’t understand what he wants from me, but I constantly feel obligated and guilty about something. Intellectually, I understand that I am not to blame for anything, but I just can’t understand why they do this to me.

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