Husband constantly communicates with ex-wife

Husband constantly communicates with ex-wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I simply cannot help but share my story, since, in my opinion, it is not entirely ordinary. The point is that myThe husband constantly communicates with his ex-wife. They have a commonchild ,daughter is a first grader. They have been divorced for four years, we have only been married for a year. Before that, Pasha also communicated with them, visited his daughter on weekends, when we got married, he brought her to us. I was not very pleased with all this, because we are also planning children and I am afraid that he will love them less. He is very attached to his daughter, and he is also constantly tormented by a feeling of guilt in front of her.

They took their daughter to first grade together. From the outside looking in, really happyfamily . Then permanenttalking on the phone with his ex-wife about whether Yana has already gotten used to school, how she’s doing, how the teachers speak about her. The husband goes to meetings at school, then immediately calls his ex-wife and reports on what happened there. The girl is also dancing, and Pavel often takes her to classes, and if he picks her up and takes her home, he always arrives late. He answers my questions by saying that he simply talked with his daughter and discussed her successes with his wife.

My husband sees that I don’t like all this, but he always reassures me that there is nothing else connecting them except the child, and since we don’t have children of our own yet, he can pay more attention to his daughter. But it also bothers me that in addition to alimony, he pays all expenses for his daughter.

I have a feelingThe question is , what does he do then?wife , and if he is such a bad husband, then why does she spend so much time with him? I feel superfluous. It seems to me that they are having a good time together again and his ex-wife is just waiting for the right moment tobring it back. I myself have already decided to talk frankly with my husband to say that I don’t want to disturb them, but I also don’t want to be deceived, but the other day I found out thatpregnant _

I do not know what to do. I haven't told my husband yet. I understand that it’s too late to leave him,, but I don’t intend to endure everything any longer.

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