My husband considers me his child

My husband considers me his child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Thanks to the Confessions website for giving me the opportunity to speak out, and thanks to everyone who reads and shares advice.

I am 20 years old. My husband is 33. Outgot married when I was 18 years old. He helped meforget the first onelove , and showed what it means to be truly loved. And I myself am for thisI fell in love with his attitude and care towards me. My parents immediately liked him, and decided not to delay the wedding. Now Ipregnant _ Everything seems to be fine with us. He is understanding. I never considered the age difference to be a problem. We always understood each other.

But lately I have increasingly begun to notice that for him I am more likedaughter thanwife _ Yes, I am much younger than him, I do not have such experience, but I still want him to share with me, ask for advice, my opinion. And he's allHe keeps problems to himself, says that he doesn’t want to upset me or stress me with anything. Like, everything will soon work out for him and he will forget about everything, but everything will remain in my memory, and I will worry.

I share everything with him, sometimes he advises something useful, but that’s not the point. Whatever happens to me, I always want to run and quickly share with him. And it’s a pity that he doesn’t have the same feeling. I can't call myself stupid. I finished school with flying colors. Entered the prestigiousuniversity and was still working before complications during pregnancy. But I still seem to fall short.

Yes, I can sometimes make stupid jokes and fool around, but that’s my nature. He even seems to like it, and he supports my childishness. And against the backdrop of his reverenttreating me like a child, I’m afraid that sooner or later I’ll stop being interested in him as a woman. In general, everything turned out somehow chaotic, but the main essence of the problem is clear.

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