My husband said that we would rather get divorced than he would quit smoking.

My husband said that we would rather get divorced than he would quit smoking.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for 2.5 years. We havea 1.5 year old daughter and a second one on the way. When we started dating, I knew he smoked. When we moved in together, he promised that he would quit smoking. But I still haven’t kept my promise.

And in one regular conversation about his smoking, he, sort of jokingly, said: “We would rather get divorced than I would quit smoking.” Of course, I remembered these words. It seems to me that they can become a reality.

I love my husband very much and therefore I am trying to fight this addiction. We met no longer as teenagers. We are both 29 years old and I want to live with him as long and happily as _ But this is smoking!

He works in a physically difficult job, he can’t do without dust, and he simply finishes himself off by smoking. I’m trying to explain to him that he has a little daughter, and in two months there will be a second one. I say that smoking is very harmful and in fact, cigarettes do not help you think better and do not relieve stress, but on the contrary, they aggravate the situation. But no. He continues to smoke.

I recently changed jobs and according to the schedule they have very few smoking breaks, and I hoped that he would consume fewer cigarettes per day. But today it turned out that in one smoke break they smoke 3 cigarettes! It was a shock for me. How can you not take care of yourself like that?

The financial part of the smoking issue is not the last one. I'm on maternity leave andMy husband didn't earn much. I haven't even been at my new job for a month. Sometimes it comes to the point that he is the lastscrapes money out of his pocket for the cheapest pack of cigarettes, despite the fact that there is no bread at home.

I already asked if he was ashamed to spend change at a kiosk for cigarettes. I’m already on good terms with him, and on bad terms, but it seems that he doesn’t hear me. I’m thinking about what I can take him to eat for the whole day, and he’s thinking about what he’s going to smoke. He would rather buy a pack of cigarettes than have a snack.

I don't know how to deal with this. I have to deny myself a lot, I can’t buy what I needmedicines and vitamins. I don’t often buy something for my daughter.fruit , we survive from paycheck to paycheck, but we always have money for cigarettes. He will collect change in his pockets and borrow money just to have a smoke. This depresses me mentally.

In addition, I would like to write that my husband is very good in other areas of my life. He loves me for who I am. He loves our daughter and is expecting a second one. He works hard and changed his job to a harder one, but also better paid. We strive for a better life, but I don’t understand why he lacks this love and incentive to find the strength within himself and quit smoking.

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