My husband doesn't spend any time with his family

My husband doesn't spend any time with his family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know what to do in this situation. My husband doesn't spend any time with his family at all. Let's start with the fact that I leftI got married quite early, at 19, and he was my first man. Before the wedding, he behaved wonderfully and was just an angel in the flesh. Then we really wanted a child, and at the age of 20 I gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Coincidentally, at that time he moved his older brother to our city, and for some time he even lived with us. With this move of his, my hell began.

Their constant partying, fishing, dating apps began, and I endured it all (now I understand that I did so in vain). After he appearedbrother , he doesn’t spend any time with us with his daughter and looks up to his brother in everything (everything in his family is very bad, he constantly cheats on his wife and in general he doesn’t care about her). After some time I found out that mymy husband is also the same one, and that just two days before our wedding he was corresponding with a girl (I found her on my phone and I don’t know whether there was anything between them or not).

Now my husband can send me to hell, call me a sheep, a chicken, and say that I’m fat, since I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy. Sometimes it can even knock. When he comes home from work, I ask him to sit with the child for a little while, she reaches out to him, but he doesn’t pay attention to her at all. Constantly screaming at mehe took his daughter into her kitchen because he seemed tired, but at one call from his brother for some kind of help, he breaks down and flies to him. I suggest to my husbandThis is not the first time divorce , I say that if heyou don’t need a family , then let’s go our separate ways and walk as much as you want, relax. To which he remains silent or simply goes into another room, and then comes back a few minutes later as if nothing had happened. I think it’s just convenient for him to live with me, my parents provided me with my own apartment, coming home from work with everything ready, the house cleaned, clothes ironed and food ready. He is comfortable, does not need to do anything, lives for his own pleasure. How should I deal with this situation?

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