The husband evened the score

The husband evened the score
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My friend's story. They got married while still students. We went through a lot together, built our lives together, but it so happened that she stumbled. In the eighth year of married life she cheated, she was smallaffair on the sidelover doctor _ Everything came to light as usual, the lover retreated, as befits a coward, andthe friend , having come to her senses, rushed headlong to saverelationship _

In two years she changed beyond recognition, she lost herself, and now lived only for her husband and children. There are no more interests, no friends and hobbies, no favorite job, no self, onlyfamily , home and nothing more. All this gave results,her husband forgave her a few years later, she began to rebuild the relationship and it seemed to be successful. And now they are approaching 50, the children are almost adults (16 and 17 years old), and her husband is evening the score and even more. He had a son on his side. He did not leave the family, he ended the relationship with his mistress, but he did not abandon his son, and gives the lion’s share of his time to him.

A friend is depressed, she is crushed and just is going crazy with pain. She only blames herself for everything and doesn’t get off antidepressants. She’s also trying to accept it all, but so far it’s not going well. This is how it happens sometimes.

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