My husband became indifferent to me during pregnancy

My husband became indifferent to me during pregnancy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have two small children, and I am carrying a third child and will give birth soon. But the trouble is that my husband has become uninterested in me, he simply doesn’t know what to do with me.

He began to play online games often and thinks that what happens at home is quite enough. That some kind of communication between wife and husband is, in principle, quite enough, when he sits and plays, conversations are only about children, superficial, but not those that are sincere and sincere.

Yesterday we had a big fight, so much so that he started calling me a creature because I asked him for attention, I just came up and wanted to hug him. He said not to touch him and pushed me away. Naturally, it became unpleasant, because at that moment I had not done anything bad to him. And then I held back my offense for a long time, but still I couldn’t restrain myself, I remembered everything that was unpleasant to me.

I don’t like calls from women at 5 in the morning, no, they are not so frequent, but they do happen, after all, no one calls me, no one demands me because I am completely devoted to my family. Incomprehensible night business trips and now he simply calls me a creature more than once, says that I am annoying and that he lives for some reason with me. I suspected him of cheating, but he refused, saying that it was most likely me who was partying, but I have a belly on my forehead, what partying, even if you think like that, I never cheated on him, although there was an opportunity and there were circumstances from -for which one could do evil.

Knowing some of his adventures in the past, I just didn’t want to let him near me, because for me it’s dirty. I just wanted him to earn my trust, if he doesn’t go out anymore, doesn’t have contact with other girls, and something new constantly pops up for him, and I’m actually waiting for something to change someday. I’m just offended to hear such words and insults about myself, he just wiped his feet on me. I don't know how to live on. There is no way to leave, I don’t know who to turn to for help. My mother-in-law is nibbling at me, my husband is not interested in me, but I think that after such words after suchthe relationship is unlikely to be fixed. There is obvious disrespect here and there can be no talk of any love. It's just a shame that everything is happening right now, when Ipregnant andMy husband doesn’t take care of me, doesn’t protect me, doesn’t care about me, but on the contrary, he crushes me morally and physically.

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