Husband demands son

Husband demands son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought that one day I would write my life story, butlife is unpredictable.

My husband and I were introduced by mutual friends 6 years ago. He was already working, and I was still a student. I liked him at first sight, fell deeply in love and confessed to him. Anton agreed and we started dating.

Love , romance, adventure all turned my head, and without hesitation I agreed to marry himmarried after just a couple of months of dating. I understood that he was older and wanted a family with children, so we agreed that I would give birth to two or three children for him. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t get to know my husband properly before marriage, because his character was simply disgusting. He forced me to stay at home, because it’s decentthe wife should be a housewife and please her husband. I resisted because I had just finished my second year and wanted to work, I was only 20 years old! But Anton insisted, I dropped out of university and immersed myself in housework. Then my mother-in-law began to pester me, saying that you don’t iron shirts that way, and you don’t cook food that way, and there’s dust everywhere.

I tried to do everything as expected, woke up at 5-6 in the morning, made breakfast, cleaned the house, shined my shoes and ironed fresh clothes on theevery day , but everything was wrong. He shouted that the food was too salty, and that my pants were very wrinkled, and that I was not able to cope even with such simple tasks as cleaning and cooking. And one day, when I dared to complain about his mother, who really annoyed me (she threw away all my swimsuits and said that married women should not wear such things), he said that she was doing everything right and I should take it from him. her example.

Then I got pregnant and gave birthdaughter _ And then my husband and mother-in-law had a real hysteria, they shouted that I should haveto give birth to an heir for the husband, and not some girl, they are supposed to give birth to a boy first and no daughters. But excuse me, please, am I ordering the sex of the child? In the end, on the day of discharge, I took the bus home with the baby, because I wasn’t supposed to be met, and I didn’t give birth to a son! Then she came back and started all over again. I sat with my daughter all day and took care of the house. She was a capricious baby, but I didn't complain because I adored my little one. But again there were reproaches from the “second mother” that I didn’t swaddle properly (I couldn’t use diapers, that’s for the lazy), she called me an ungrateful fool when I didn’t follow her advice, she made me boil baby clothes 100 thousand times. The husband showed no interest, except to scream forever and could even kick him out of the house (under the pretext of walking with his daughter for a couple of hours so that he could watch football with friends, fortunately it was summer outside).

And now, two years later, when my baby grew up, he said that we need a second one, they say, the firstborn has grown up, go, let’s give birth again. To be honest, I didn’t want to at all. For all these years, there was zero support and understanding, but constant reproaches from the mother-in-law, eternal betrayals. I didn’t dare to get a divorce, plus my parents said that he is very rich and they are not going to provide for me, so sit tight and do what they say. Later, when I became pregnant,my husband walked around and insisted that if he had a daughter again, he would not take pity on me and would throw me out the door, but I wasn’t worth a penny, I had no work experience or even a higher education. I prayed it was a boy. After giving birth, the first thing I shouted was: “Who am I having, a boy or a girl?” Whenthe doctor said thatdaughter , everything swam before my eyes, and I lost consciousness. When I woke up, the midwife told me that myfamily (husband and hismom ) know who was born and told me to tell me that I was defective and get out. When I returned home after being discharged, my neighbor gave me my suitcase and told me that my husband had told me to go to my parents. My first daughter was already waiting for me there.

Now I live with my mom and dad, and Anton brought home another mistress, who, fortunately, has not yetpregnant _ My parents insist that I beg on my kneesher husband to return and promised to give birth to a son. He may allow me to return, but my sense of pride does not allow it, I have suffered so much in this marriage. But I think I’m selfish because I’m unlikely to be able to provide for my daughters and myself. My mother-in-law promised to talk to my son, and although I’m bad, for the sake of my granddaughters she agrees.

And I don’t know what to do, should I go back, get pregnant with my third and hope that a boy will be born, or give it all up? I do not know.

Please tell me what to do.

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