My husband left me and married for the fourth time

My husband left me and married for the fourth time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Life is like everyone else's. I met a man older than myself 7 years ago. At that time I had been divorced for 10 years.

I met him at work. We dated for 5 years. He and I got married, I accepted his child from his first marriage. After I leftwhen I got married , I found out that he had a second onewife , his relatives told about it. Later he admitted that he was married 2 times. The husband said that the first wife is currently disabled, the second wife died, this happened when she lived with him.

When I learned about this, I was horrified. I married him in a position. I was the third wife. Over the course of 5 years, I fell in love with him and became attached to him. BeganWe had problems when we started living together with him. He changed, he became greedy, created the illusion of poverty, although he was the head of the department.

As life began, scandals began, after I gave birth, he constantly ran away from home. So we lived with him for 1 year. Then I found out purely by chance that he started test-antibiotic.coman affair with a woman from work who worked in security and had three children. And with that we parted ways; until the last moment I tried to save the family for the sake of our daughter. He went to her. I was and am very worried, 2 years have passed. I am raising a child myself; I went to work when my daughter was 5 months old.

2 years have passed. He comes to us and says that he misses us, that he would like to have a family and raise his child. I didn't hook up with anyonerelationships all this time. I do everything possible for my child. I'm very upset and sad. I don’t seem to love him, but I keep thinking about him. How canforget it all. I believed him and accepted his entire past.

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