My husband is acting strange

My husband is acting strange
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married for about 5 years. My husband behaves strangely in public all the time, as if he is not in a relationship. He frolics in dances with young people at events, runs away from the crowd where I’m dancing, somehow embarrassed for himself. But okay, since he loves dancing, what can you do.

Recently we meet with friends, and they ask how I recovered and it’s a pity that I couldn’t come to my friend’s birthday, and Igor (myhusband ) was, unfortunately, alone. I had to remain silent and nod my head, I didn’t want to spoil the evening. At home I arranged a debriefing, to which my husband said that he thought that there would be only men there, but it turned out to be families. He told me when he left that he was going to his friend Oleg’s birthday, where they would be without women. I don't even know what to think, I'm confused.

We also once went to the bank to order a card for my husband, there were a lot of people, we stood in line, my husband behaved like a stranger there. Finally, the turn came, and the managerthe guy said there were some papers to fill out. I came closer to look, at that moment my husband quickly walked away and was rude to me, saying that he would not fill it out. We went home.

Why is he acting this way? I don’t even know what to do, there’s another person at home.

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