
Harm is a condition that harms our health and well-being. It can come in many forms, from the physical harm we can get from bad food or dangerous work, to the psychological harm we can get from stress, depression, or negative relationships. Harm can have serious consequences on our lives, including loss of health, money, and even life itself. Therefore, it is very important to be careful and prudent in our actions to avoid possible harm to ourselves and our loved ones. Ultimately, only we ourselves can make the decisions and control our lives to avoid harm and achieve success.

  • My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are stealing money from our family
    I leftI’m married , I have my own apartment, a car, I make good money. My husband and I live in my apartment (he doesn’t have his own), he works and also makes good money.There are practically no quarrels in the family, except for one topic: more than half of your salaryThe husband gives it to his m...
  • My boyfriend's parents worsen my psychological state
    In the fall of 2021, I decided to move in with a young man; I was sure in advance that we would live in a rented apartment. At the moment we live in his private house with his father and mother. I always had a hard time getting used to new people, but in this situation everything went beyond the lim...
  • Meadow Fly: Potential Harm and Control Methods
    The meadow fly, a seemingly innocent creature, can cause a variety of agricultural and environmental problems. In this article we will look at potentialharm from meadowflies and consider methods of combating these insects. 1. Development of Flies in the Life Cycle: The meadow fly is part of the life...
  • Flies: Small But Potentially Harmful Creatures in Our Lives
    Flies , although seemingly small and innocent insects, can represent a potentialharm to human health and the environment. In this article we will look at the different aspects of fly damage and the importance of taking steps to control them. 1. Spread of Pathogenic Microorganisms: Flies are effectiv...
  • Silent Threats: Impact of Mosquitoes on Agriculture
    Agriculture, as the main source of food and raw materials, faces various challenges, and one of such invisible but serious enemies ismosquitoes _ At first glance, these blood-sucking insects may seem merely annoying, but their impact on crops can be devastating. Spread of diseases: One of the main c...
  • Do I need such relatives?
    Happened the other dayquarrel with one relative. Personally, I would have cut it long agocommunication to a minimum, but myMom stubbornly clung to her, because “there are no more relatives,” “it’s so bad,” “what if we needhelp , and besides her, there will be no one to help.”About 20 years ago, when...
  • How to react to such a situation?
    Everyone who communicates with me knows that I react sharply and actively to socialproblems , I am indignant, I write complaints, letters, and participate in social activities. And I couldn’t close my eyes to this problem. But now I really need the advice of caring people so that I can make the righ...
  • Coca-Cola Harm or health?
    Coca-cola is a carbonated soft drink that was invented in 1886. It has become one of the most popular drinks in the world and loved by many people. However, despite its popularity, Coca-Cola has many negative health effects. The first thing to note is the high sugar content in the drink. Each can of...
  • How to help a friend and her daughter?
    I'm asking for advice for a friend.Girlfriend 37 years old, lives with a guy,relationship is serious. She hasdaughter is 17 years old, daughter has not lived with her mother for 8 years, but lives with her grandmother (friend's mom ). The father of this girl from the very birth did not participate i...
  • Husband changed
    Our situation with my husband reached the point of absurdity. At the beginning of the relationship, he was very jealous: he forbade painting his nails, walking without him in a short dress, meeting even once every six months with a girlfriend, on the way home from work I had to talk to him on the ph...
  • How to get rid of an inadequate girlfriend?
    Since school, I have a working page in one of the social networks. Then I earnedmoney transfers from German into Russian and vice versa. But in general, my story is about a “girlfriend”.I took on small translations because I had neither the desire nor the time to translate 50 pages of text or more. ...
  • After violence, I'm attracted to men
    I don’t know if there have been similar life stories here, but still I’ll risk telling my own. I am a lesbian. The fact that I like girls, I felt in high school, and now I'm already 30 years old. For the last 3 years I have been living with my girlfriend, we work together, the relat....
  • Antibiotics in Milk: Risks and Precautions
    Milk is one of the most popular and nutritious foods. However, like any other product,milk may contain harmful substances that can causeharm to human health. One of these substances isantibiotics . Antibiotics are medicines that are used to fight bacterial infections in animals and humans. However, ...
  • Antibiotics in Squid: Problems and Solutions
    Squid is one of the most popular seafood in the world. They are rich in protein, easy to digest and low in fat. However, like any other product,squid can be contaminated with various harmful substances, includingantibiotics . Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infections in animals, including s...
  • Antibiotics in flounder, myth or reality?
    The flounder isfish , which is very popular in many countries of the world. However, the use of flounder can lead to dangerous consequences, since this fish may containantibiotics . In this article, we will talk about 10 reasons why you should give up flounder. 1. Flounder may contain antibiotics. T...
  • How to stop drinking: tips and tricks
    Alcohol addiction is one of the most common problems in the world. Most people suffering from this disease do not know how tostop drinking and return to normal life. In this article, we will talk about how you can overcome alcohol addiction and start living a new life. 1. Admit your problem The fir....
  • Antibiotics in chicken eggs: myths and reality
    Every day we use chicken eggs as a source of protein and other nutrients. But many people are starting to worry about what chickens might get.antibiotics , which can then get into the eggs and cause harm to health. Let's look into this issue. Are chickens really getting antibiotics? Yes, some produc...
  • Lemon and alcohol ... Harm or benefit?
    Lemon is not only a tasty and healthy fruit, but also a great helper in the fight against the consequences of drinking alcohol. In this article, we will explain why there is a lemon when drinking alcohol. 1. Lemon Helps Avoid Hangovers Lemon contains vitamin C, which helps speed up the metabolism of...
  • Lose weight without harm to health
    Losing weight is not only a desire to look better, but also health care. However, many weight loss methods can harm the body. In this article we will look at how to lose weight without harm to health. The first step is proper nutrition. It is necessary to reduce the number of calories consumed, but ...
  • Energetic drinks
    Energy drinks have become very popular in recent years. They promise to increase energy and improve concentration. However, many people do not realize that these drinks can be harmful to their health. The first harm that an energy drink can cause is high levels of caffeine. These drinks are high in ...