Husband complains that I'm a bad housewife

Husband complains that I'm a bad housewife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Guess who's right, please? I am 32 years old. Three years of marriagehusband is two years older. We both work, I have a five-day week from 8 to 5, work in the office, but nervous. My husband has a flexible schedule, floating weekends. My salary is higher than the average for the region, my husband earns 2-3 times more (he has an unstable salary, it varies from month to month).

We live in my premarital apartment, he doesn’t have his own, hespends money on cars (new every year). The budget is general and does not seem to deprive me of gifts, but when planning expenses, we still focus more on his needs (he earns more, so I think it's fair).

I am now 6 months pregnantthe child is planned, desired by both). Claims have been pouring in for the last month, saying that I am a bad housewife. Initially, life was divided equally and everyone was happy with everything. Now everything has migrated onto my shoulders, and he makes claims (although I am not even on maternity leave yet, I work) that I feed him poorly. Our standard breakfast is hot sandwiches, sometimes porridge (I get up early for work, and I just don’t have time to cook delights). Lunch - first and second (I don’t have lunch at home, I cook for him on weekends or in the evening). For dinnermeat with garnish,every day different and salads. On the weekends, I cook all sorts of interesting dishes - French meat, casseroles, baked desserts, etc.

Husband wants milk porridge for breakfast, but I don't eat dairyproducts (not an allergy, I just don’t like it, childhood in kindergarten and glued pasta in milk - fu) affects. She offered to cook them separately, but he wants us to eat them together! My arguments are not heard. He says that he doesn’t need frills, he wants ordinary food, but again, I don’t eat pasta, because I follow my figure, and there’s no use in them. Husband says he willdaughter and you need to feed her semolina, well, what kind of Soviet standards are these. In his childhoodhis mother did not cook at all, he ate what he had to, she was a vegetarian, and at home they had an eternal mess, and now the mother-in-law lives like that.

The last week I've been on sick leave (I've caught a cold), my husband claims,, that I'm sitting at home, and still I don't cook what he wants, and I don't clean the apartment from morning to night. I want to buy a dishwasher and a robot vacuum cleaner to relieve myself of unnecessary responsibilities, he thinks it's a waste of money. And the third set of rugs in the car is not in vain, and washing every weekend with rubbing with wax and other nonsense too. From the latter, he even offered to buy second-hand things for the child - a stroller, a crib, although we do not need money. I don't understand anything at all. Talking does not help, he thinks that I "snickered". And he is ready to drain all the money on cars. It just started recently, I'm just confused. We swear on some stupid things after all. And how to find a common language - I'll never know.

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