Husband changed

Husband changed
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our situation with my husband reached the point of absurdity. At the beginning of the relationship, he was very jealous: he forbade painting his nails, walking without him in a short dress, meeting even once every six months with a girlfriend, on the way home from work I had to talk to him on the phone and, most importantly, not be late home, otherwise it was regarded astreason . After long quarrels and partings, I decided for myself: it is more important for me to be with him. She refused dresses, painted nails, etc. Especially since I'm 7 years older and I don't have that much choice compared to him.

Time passed, we got married. was borndaughter , took an apartment in a mortgage. And that's it - the husband was changed. He works 4 days after 3, at home - a computer, TV shows, social networks, online games, telephone, books ... They don’t pay the full salary, they delay them, but they pay for trips to the shooting range. Lived in endless debt.

A daughter who was born with a diagnosis of hyperactivity woke up every half an hour at night. I didn’t sleep at all and was always angry and exhausted. Help around the house from her husband is minimal. By the timemy husband will play enough shooting games, I’m already angry and exhausted, I’ll put my daughter to bed, and he’s so rested, give him his marital debt at 2 o’clock in the morning. Yeah, how.

As a result, I could not stand it and went to work (on night shifts), worked 5 nights after 2, during the day I sat on autopilot with my daughter and tried to rest in fits and starts. The financial situation began to improve, so on the weekend, to my requests to be quieter and let me sleep off, he told me: “I also work, you can manage.” The roof was on my way.

Husband , realizing that now there ismoney , began to buy toys for himself more and more expensive, which led to the fact that he spent his salary on entertainment and paying off old debts, and I was all killed by daytime housework and with a one-year-old child, plus night work, I could not afford a kilogram of apples buy. This was what he called lordly manners. What if I boughtfruits , then he managed to eat them in the evening and, in response to my objections, he said, they say, buy again tomorrow, and if not for anything, then there was no need to buy them today.

It all ended with the fact that I divided the budget: I fully support myself and my daughter, we buy outfits, snacks for ourselves. The husband realized that he could not live with his salary, and found another job a month later. It just doesn't get any easier. He absolutely abstracted from everyday life: you need to - you do it, you can’t even interrogate money for general needs (powder, paste, detergents): you divided the budget, as he said, then he doesn’t owe me anything now, because I “abandoned him" when he was without money. He presents it this way. On the other hand, marital duty demands it, and it constantly depresses and irritates me.

I believe that it was my husband who left me to the mercy of fate with a small child, leaving me without help around the house and financially, and I had no other way out to make him work like a human being. He spends all his time playing games, eating with toys, buried in the phone, even in the toilet with toys, but about what he haswife ,, who needs to be taken care of, he remembers at night when he has played enough and wants sex.

How to get out of this impasse? Tell? He is all offended by my division of shelves in the refrigerator, and I am tired and offended by his inaction at home, with a child, in bed (I have to do everything there). I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to do everything myself, I bring up the child myself and also serve him duringdamage to your rest and healthy sleep. Help, how can I reach him? Naturally, I will not get divorced.

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