The man of my dreams is free and looking for a mother for his son.

The man of my dreams is free and looking for a mother for his son.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

They say that heaven punishes people by fulfilling their wishes.

Many years ago I was madly in love with a guy, but he didn’t reciprocate my feelings. He got married, lived happily with his wife all these years, and they had two children - a boy and a girl. For a long time I could not come to terms with the fact that he would not be in my life. I cried a lot. Then I met my futurehusband _ He is a good, reliable person, fell in love with me and wanted to start a family with me.

I doubted it for a long time before I decided tomarriage _ On the one hand, I still loved that guy, on the other hand, thisthe guy had already forgotten about me, he didn’t care that I was lost without him. So what and who should I wait for all my life? Why am I punishing myself with loneliness if there is another person who loves me and with whom I can start my own family? And I’ve already learned from my own bitter experience how painful it is when the one you love doesn’t want to know you. I felt sorry for destroying the dream of my future husband. And I married him.

In marriage it turned out that we could not get along together. For all his love for me, he turned out to be a very rude and unpleasant person. His despotic character became fully apparent only after the birth of his child. It was hard for me, because I didn’t love him from the very beginning, but felt sorry for him. And here there could no longer be any pity for such a person. Instead, I kept thinking about the guy I loved. Yes, I admit, I had feelings for him all these years. I mentally compared my husband with him. I was homesick.

Then I decided that I couldn’t continue all this and divorced my husband. The divorce was very difficult. My daughter stayed with me. I’ve been living alone with my daughter for 2 years now and I don’t regret the divorce. Resting. I somehow came to terms with the fact that I would never be with the guy I loved. There was no longer any hope for him.

And recently he comes to my work, meets me and says that he misses me and has been wanting to see me for a long time. It was some kind of miracle. There seemed to be joy in his eyes that he saw me. And I would like to be happy too, but for some reason I began to mistrust him. Why did he come so suddenly? After all, he was silent all these years.

Then it turned out thathis wife left him. She left for another man, her colleague. She took her daughter with her because she was her favorite child. She left her eldest son, who is already 9, with him. Because she loved her son less, because the son loved his father more and bullied his little sister, and because the son is generally such a tomboy, he has somebehavior problems at school. And she was tired of solving these problems.

And my mind remained in the pastDarling a man alone with a child in his arms. And he was immediately drawn tocommunication with me. I asked him directly whether he came to invite me to live with him as one family and raise his son? He replied that he wouldn't mind. began to tell me that he had secretly loved me all these years, he remembered. That he was with his wife for the sake of the children. In a word, everything that is usually said in such cases. And I realized that I didn’t trust him. That he had already met all possible options before me - many people liked him in his youth. But no one needs him anymore. And he came to me as the latter when there were no better options left. Because he knows that I loved him madly, and should accept him with anyone, even someone else’s child.

Well, I still love him, but in this situation I don’t want to accept him. After the divorce, his wife sued him for his apartment, he had to move in with his father, of course, he was uncomfortable there, also with his son. There is no one to do housework, there is no one to raise a child,mother is needed. The boy is problematic. It would be very convenient for him to move in with me and shift all his problems onto my shoulders. And he doesn't really love me.

And if I were still alone, maybe I would have thought about it. But Idaughter _ Why should she,, tolerate someone else’s harmful boy in the house and adapt to her stepfather? And I expressed all this to him and refused to communicate with him. His eyes became like those of a beaten dog.

And now I’m just shocked by this turn. And I generally don’t know how to live further. I couldn’t live with my husband because I loved and remembered that man. And he lived well without me, while everything was fine with him. He only remembered me when it got hot and the need came. And I would be glad to be with him, but not on such conditions. How I once dreamed that he would come like this and say that he loves and remembers, that he would offer to divorce and go to him. But this did not happen. And this is what happened.

I feel disgusting and a traitor to my love. I feel sorry for the one I loved and, to be honest, still love. Maybe he will find someone else who will become the mother of his son, and I will regret all my life that I did not take advantage of my chance. But I can’t do any other way now.

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