Men don't understand hints

Men don't understand hints
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 31 years old, my son is 9 years old, I have been divorced for 6 years. Wererelationship , but it's not the same. I come across men who generally don’t want a serious relationship, or with the attitude that anything can happen. But there was one who proposed marriage, but turned out to be a tyrant and barely got out of this relationship.

At the moment I am dating a man, he is 42 years old, he also hasson (he is 11 years old and lives with him for 3 days and with his mother for 3 days). We've been dating for a year now. He immediately warned that he was not going to live together and get married, but he didn’t mind dating and spending time together. OrIf help is needed, he will not refuse. I agreed.

There was hope for a normal, close (mental) relationship, where they would support at the right time, help, etc. But such an incident happened recently. I urgently needed to do a coronavirus check, but as luck would have it, all the checkpoints that I could get to by bus (I don’t have a car) are only accepted by car, that is, even if I come and stand in line for a test-antibiotic. com by car, they won’t accept me. I’ll say more, I was simply confused in all these checks, which one was needed and this was the first time I encountered this. And so I tell this to my man, he didn’t even raise an eyebrow (he has a car), and didn’t offer any help. In the end, I figured it all out myself, but I was very nervous.

Then I told him that I would be pleased if he helped at least somehow. But he pretended that he didn’t understand at all why I was so worried, why all this, saying: “You don’t talk to people like that, you need to be tougher, why didn’t you directly say that you want me to take you?” A couple of weeks later I had a specific conversation with him, where I explained that I agreed to a relationship with him, but this does not mean that I need care and support. She explained how I imagine it, that when I am confused or nervous, I don’t need to be told off, I need help and that’s it.

The conversation was long (6 hours) and I seemed to agree with everything. A month passes. And just yesterday I asked for help (I had my third vaccination the day before yesterday and yesterday my temperature rose (38.1), I could walk, of course, but I was weakened, and the child had a swim at 20:00. I decided that I would go there by taxi, and then for him to pick us up and just take us home, explaining that it would be difficult for me to take the bus. I almost never ask him to take me somewhere, a couple of times I asked him to pick up a heavy parcel, he only takes me when we meet together.

He refused! He said that he was teaching the child back to sleep at 9 pm, and I asked him to pick me up right at that time. I explained that I just felt bad, to which he said: “Why are you going at all, and then why should I pick you up again next week?” I said that this was a one-time event, that I don’t get sick every Tuesday, and then I still sarcastically said to him, saying, is it really so difficult to disturb his sleep once (and I know very well that he hasthe child does not always go to bed on time). As a result, I went, returned home on buses, and he didn’t even ask how I got there, today he doesn’t call or ask anything. He knows that I'm offended.

I don’t know what to do. Is everything really so bad that we can spend time together like this, have fun, have a good time, and we have good contact with the children and between the children, and when I feel bad, I need help, he has excuses. Essentially, I can ask male friends for help, but it’s somehow inconvenient, since I haveboy . In these relationships, I tried the option of saying everything directly, what I want, how I want, if men don’t understand hints, but it turns out that it doesn’t work, if a person wants, he won’t even ask and will understand the hint the first time.

But I still don’t know what to do next. Pretend that nothing happened or carry on the conversation again? Or maybe spend the weekend not with him, citing an allegedly bad mood, for example?

Tell me, anyone with experiencegirls , the look of men is also interesting. Please do not scold me too much, I am not vindictive by nature, I just want to love and to be loved.

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