The man was scared off by my flirting

The man was scared off by my flirting
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would like to get men's opinion about my story.

At work I liked a colleague from another department. He is 12 years older than me. Divorced, yesa son he talks about often. She loves spending time with him (I understand that she takes him on weekends).

He is not a simple person. Not a handsome man, he sometimes behaves rather cheekily, makes inappropriate jokes towards his female colleagues, often drinks (you can tell from him, and he constantly talks about it), often borrows from everyonemoney , gives and borrows again. He says that he has debts and loans. I don’t know what for.

At first, he gave me a persistent feeling of hostility; I was even glad that I very rarely crossed paths with him. But recently I started catching myself thinking about him. He is very funny, charismatic, has a million interesting stories and is interesting to listen to. I want to get to know him better, to find out what he likes, what he loves. Without even noticing, she started joking with him in his manner. But he doesn’t answer me the same way. He notices how I’m dressed and tells me to dress more modestly so as not to distract anyone. Only in the last 5 years has no one told me anything like this. He's alone. And I wouldn’t say that I dress revealingly. Short skirts, yes, but not beyond the pale. Regular office style.

I wrote to him about work, started flirting openly, and he stopped responding. I feel like I'm intruding, but I can't stop. I really like him. I have already made a thousand hints, but only achieved complete ignorance. Now I’m trying to abstract myself and control myself. But it's a shame. I'm pretty, tall, slender, for a long timeI don't pretend to have a relationship .

Why did I scare him so much? Do I even have a chance? I feel not.

Men, maybe you can tell me what I did wrong?

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