From my own experience I was convinced that betrayal cannot be forgiven

From my own experience I was convinced that betrayal cannot be forgiven
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story about betrayal here and decided to tell my own, maybe mineconfession will serve as a lesson to someone that betrayal cannot be forgiven. A person who betrayed once will do it again, I was convinced of this from my own bitter experience. Whenmy husband cheated on me for the first time with a work colleague, he denied everything for a long time, but when he realized that it was pointless, that already at work everyone was talking and condemning them openly, he began to ask for forgiveness, he was afraid that I would divorce him. He swore that it would never happen again, that he himself did not know how it happened. I forgave him because at that time I already had two children, they were building a house, and I couldn’t just give it all up and leave, which I really regret now. I was 28 years old then, and I could still have arranged mylife , and not transfer it, devoting it to a person who does not deserve it.

I don’t know if he cheated on me over the years, but recently I realized that he had a woman. He changed, became irritable, everything was wrong, began to stay late after work. Recently I heard him talking to her on the phone, calling her with all sorts of affectionate words, promising to do something. I began to notice that he constantly carries his phone with him, even at home, never leaving it anywhere for a minute. I thought for a long time about what to do and decided that I had nothing to lose, the children had already grown up, both sons had their own families, they earned money for themselves, and I calmly, without causing a scandal, told my husband that I knew about everything and was leaving.

My husband again began to deny it, saying that it seemed to me that he didn’t need anyone except me, but then, under the influence of facts, he admitted it and, like the last time, began to ask for forgiveness. But I still applieddivorce . He began to insult me, saying that at 52 years old, no one needed me anymore, that I would still be alone. And for me it’s better to be alone than with such a husband. Although I iron well, even younger than my age, butI’m not going to get married again, I want and think that I deserve to live for myself. The most important thing is that the children supported me.

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