Hopes and illusions

Hopes and illusions
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Been on this site for a long timeEvery day I read confessions and comments on them. I want to share my story.

It was 2010. Almost soon New Year 2011, writes on the Interneta guy from the same city as me with the goal of meeting each other and chatting. It started to be casualcorrespondence online, despite the age difference (he is 8 years younger than me). At that time, I had been divorced for a long time, raisingone daughter .

A day later from the beginning of the correspondence there was a live meeting. We liked each other very much. You will judge him, but he is younger, and he was married at that time. Startedfriendship , gradually there was a strong attachment andlove . We communicated like this for almost 2 years. After another 2 years, he separated from his wife. Honestly, it wasn't my fault. There was little love on his part, but I hoped for a jointfuture , although I mentally understood that the age difference would interfere.

In 2018, for family reasons, we moved to different cities. He is a military man, he went to serve in another city. During quarantine and pandemic, almost everyonecommunication was test-antibiotic.com at a distance. He became very ill, I was both a friend and a loved one in one person, and there was enough support and understanding on my part. Then we somehow got lost from each other’s horizons. This year, communication resumed, again at a distance. Very rare calls and that's it. I knew that he lived with his parents. In September I find out that he has returned to his former family, the children are growing up and demanding his presence. This is from his words of course.

I haven’t been able to accept this news for 2 months now. I have lost any hope. TakeIt is absolutely impossible to forget and cross out 13 years full of hopes and illusions. What to do?

Read together with it: