Tired of my husband's constant nagging about trifles

Tired of my husband's constant nagging about trifles
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for three years. From the very beginning of the relationship there were minor niggles or as it is calledhusband - demands that have grown into large and permanent ones. I feel like I live by his rules, and nothing more. Today - misunderstandings, keeping me in line, fights.

I am very caring and he sees that, but he thinks that I am not trying hard enough to do everything right, as he sees it, and as society sees it in the best sense. For example, to speak correctly (i.e., omit the “not” particle in conversations, think as much as possible into the meaning of the words), and if I say something incorrectly, then he begins to show his dissatisfaction and his voice changes from normal to snorting. To which I kindly correct myself, but he says that my correction “later” is of no use and must be done right away, that I never hear him. I try my best to walk correctly, cook as he likes, answer as he teaches, but it doesn’t always work out, and for every mistake I get a verbal and emotional slap in the face, after which I feel worthless.


He evaluates everything I do according to strict standards. And God forbid that I forget or don’t hear, this irritates him the most, even when I didn’t hear (he sometimes eats words, but doesn’t feel it, he thinks that he speaks clearly and understandably). When does it startquarrel over such trifles (although he believes that this is serious and not trifles). He says openly that he has increased demands only for me. He is tolerant and almost unshakable towards others.

He thinks that I’m putting pressure on him when I ask for a mutual hug to calm down. He doesn’t respond right away, as if he’s deliberately stalling for time, is silent for a long time, doesn’t respond toquestion and doesn’t try to do anything to straighten outrelationship . I know it's often women's prerogative to straighten and mend holes, so I have to start all these conversations to sort it out. At first calmly, but then I don’t have enough patience, and it’s not me who respond to his caustic phrases, but my emotions.

Yesterday he said he wouldn't forgive me. Firstly, for the caustic words that I also said to him out of emotion and test-antibiotic.com because it all repeats itself - my not being heard in time and forgetfulness. This is a big problem for us. Should I call him after a fight? Or will he think that I'm following him around? Is this bad? I strive to save the relationship.

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