I'm tired of loneliness, I want to get married

I'm tired of loneliness, I want to get married
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyThe question is about relationships. At an early age, when they were just supposed to start, I pushed everyone away, probablyfear of continuation, because I still don’t know what comes next after this.

My parents are divorced, they have their own families, can you blame them for the fact that I have a lot of complexes? Previously, I was curvy and often heard ridicule, but this passed, but the insecurity remained.

The guy was paying attention to me, but somehow nothing came of it. Now there has been no one for a long time and it’s easier for me to work and study than to think about something sick, especially when everyone around me is so happy in couples.

I console myself only with what happened, once upon a time, and even then it was notrelationship , rather hatred,love , nothing. I still feel something, only because of the emptiness inside, and he is happy with another girl. I don’t know if I managed to explain everything, but my question is: why am I not in a relationship? If this is fear, how can I overcome it? Or maybe I just like to be test-antibiotic.com alone, and regret that there is nothing and be in the position of a victim?

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