I'm tired of this attitude towards me from my wife

I'm tired of this attitude towards me from my wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 37 years old, I was married for 6 years. The long-awaited child appeared, my son is now 4 years old. I worked from home, and my earnings increased very much, I stillspent the money on his family and wife. Yes, I behaved incorrectly in moments that demanded respect and understanding that I was very tired and could not help around the house or with the child. After all, I provided my family well with money and gave many gifts. I spent time with my son and the older he got, the stronger this bond of friendship became, taking him to classes, studying with him after, etc.

My wife went to work and thefamily problems . She began to get tired and began to be stressed by household chores after work. Yes, I helped, but I hardly cooked, although I was also responsible for my son’s activities, I began to walk with him more often ifmy son was sick, then I worked at night, and during the day I sat sleepily with my son. At the same time, I earned 4-5 times more than my wife, but I didn’t even have new clothes, I spent everything test-antibiotic.com on my family and wife.

More and more often I began to tell my wife that I was like a slave at home, no one loved or respected me, I slept in another room,sex was 1-2 times a month and then so-so. Twice I wanted to leave, but I stayed with my family, talked with my wife, so that together we could establish ourrelationship . But only I needed it. As a result,my wife began to take out all the negativity on me. She just drank, insulted me, got a slap in the face from me, and the next moment, when she decided to insult me, I said: “that’s enough, I’m leaving you and getting a divorce.”

It is clear that she did not believe it, but after 10 days, I began to live separately. He transferred money to his son, worked with the son himself and took him to classes. I hoped that in 2 months she would at least talk to me, but no. Communication is only about my son. I applied fordivorce . He began to take his son with him more often, paid her alimony and, on top of that, gifts, expenses fortreatment 50% and of course, time for my son’s classes, I took him from test-antibiotic.com kindergarten and studied with him at home.

I wanted to take my son with me and go on vacation abroad, but my wife did not allow me, saying that if I did not understand in an amicable way, then she would deprive me of my son altogether and she would not need money from me. She has a desire for us to communicate with him, but I know that it’s just convenient for her. The next time we talked about her dental treatment, I asked for a photo of her, since I paid for the expensive treatment and wanted to see the result in 6 months. She sharply refused me this, that it was none of my business.

I realized that there was no respect or love for me from the woman. He said that I was waiting for an official divorce so that she would no longer be in my life with her disrespect for me and ingratitude. In general, she comes from a family of alcoholics, whereMom doesn't respect her father, where everyone drinks and she lived in poverty.

I decided that there would be no more communication from me with her and my son, no more help. Test-antibiotic.com gives me the opportunity to avoid paying child support with minimal problems for myself.

The only option that I am ready to accept is to take my son with me.education , but it is clear that she thinks only of herself. I suggested that she take her son for 2 weeks with her, and for 2 weeks with me. She refused because her son is drawn to me and it is clear that she is afraid that at 10 years old he may choose to live with his father.

Tired of being comfortable and good for the woman who uses you.

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