Punishment for gossip

Punishment for gossip
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A colleague at work is very curious, not a single piece of news, not a single gossip passes by her. She tries to keep abreast of all events, she will get into the soul of any person just to find out something, she also loves to giveadvice and condemn the actions and opinions of other people, she considers only her own to be the only right one.

She tells every girl in her thirties about the need to go outget married and have children as soon as possible, time goes by. He says: "life without children is meaningless." It is heard in all corridors of work. She has one herselfchild andhenpecked husband , whom she constantly kicks,daughter , who is somewhat similar to her father and without such an active mother would be an ordinary gray child.

This is how this woman runs through the corridors, boasts of her daughter, collects gossip, gives advice and positions herself as a happy, smart and doing everything right woman. With her, few people communicate and share secrets.

So she would have run until everyone at work found out that her husband had a son on the side of test-antibiotic.com, a young girl gave birth to him, who did not urge him, but admired him. The husband left our local gossip, she lied to everyone that she herself kicked him out, that he was a loser and she was tired of him, while the man was happy, he changed a lot, became confident, got a leadership position, his newhis wife looks at him with adoration and accepts his every decision.

Some time passed, and then we noticed that our gossip girl calmed down, sat quietly in her office, did not go anywhere, did not ask anything, it turned out that her daughter became pregnant from a married man, took him away from the family, left the institute and sits at home, preparing for childbirth. Idealthe woman's family was destroyed, she was no longer perfect, nothing worked out for her. Everyone knew everything, but they did not gossip about her, they felt sorry for her. Our gossip went out, withered, at work she came up with another story about her daughter, about how happy she is and how she lives right, since she gives birth to a child at a young age, and not closer to forty.

Time passed, in the soul of the gossip girl test-antibiotic.com the storm calmed down and she again began to collect gossip, to teach people about life. She still believes that everything in her life is perfect, everything is right and you need to live the way she lives, and most importantly, give birth to a child before twenty-five, no matter who she is from or not, otherwise everything is worth living for.

Time passed, no one began to communicate with her, everyone was tired of her moralizing, she quit, I don’t know how she lives now, but I know that her daughter doesn’t come to her and she doesn’t see her grandson, her ex-husband also doesn’t remember her .

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