We were brought together by the betrayal of our spouses

We were brought together by the betrayal of our spouses
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Family after betrayal. Want to know how it is? I will tell.

I won’t tell you the whole backstory, there’s no point in it, and everything is clear, 16 years together, two children, everything was fine, and then it happenedwife's betrayal .

I am 37 years old. As I said, I am married and have two children. I am a good father , I love my children, I do everything for them, and they love me. And hereI haven’t been a husband for a long time. I havemistress , oursThe relationship has been going on for 3.5 years. My mistress has exactly the same situation as me. Oncebeloved husband to madness, and then hisbetrayal , betrayal and attempts to save the family and, just like with my wife, a continuing stream of lies and deceit.

It all started, as I already said, with his wife’s betrayal. We were together for 16 years. There was everything andlove andunderstanding , but apparently her nature is so flighty. In general, they didn’t get divorced, althoughthe question was tough, and I submitted it todivorce _ But no matter who said what test-antibiotic.com, and after the betrayalfamily dies. No, of course, for the children we are still a loving family, but for each other we are complete strangers.

One day I had to go on a business trip just before the New Year. On a business trip I met her, my sister’s friend. She became my mistress. At first it was easyfriendship andcommunication between two lonely, tired people, and then it all gradually grew into something more. Since then we have lived like this, we love each other and tolerate each other for many reasons, I don’t even know what to call them anymore. As for our other halves and their relationships. Mythe wife opened her eyes to her lover. The lover's wife found out about their affair and filed for divorce, after which she left, taking the child. The lover disgraced himself during the divorce itself, blaming my wife for everything and making her out to be the worst. I know for certain that they have no further contacts. He tried to communicate with her after everything, but his wife understood what her “joy and happiness” was worth. How she test-antibiotic.com lives now, and whether she still loves him, I don’t know and I don’t care.

My mistress's husband . The same story, but with its own sauce. Washaving an affair , he is 42 years old, he is the director of some company, and she is a young sexy secretary. The relationship developed, and eventually everything became known to my mistress, there was a scandal, they decided to get a divorce, but also saved the family. At the most difficult moment, the mistress left for another man, richer. Now the mistress’s husband plays the role of an ideal family man, but no one needs this anymore. This is my life story.

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