Our gratitude for saving our brother is enormous, but there is a limit to everything

Our gratitude for saving our brother is enormous, but there is a limit to everything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A couple of years ago a woman appeared in our lives. Well, as a woman, she is 33 years old, but she looks at most 25. Or rather, she appeared in my brother’s life. He is a widower who madly loved his late wife and could not come to terms with her death. A man who could not even get close to alcohol drank without going dry after her death. From this marriage my brother growsson , who is currently 5 years old.

One unfortunate day of minemy brother , who had been drinking, got behind the wheel and had an accident, where he lost a lot of blood. Thank God he was taken to the hospital on time. But a transfusion was required. Naturally, the required blood type was not available in this godforsaken hospital, and it turns out that this woman (Ryzhik, that’s what my brother calls her) agrees to a transfusion and saves himlife . I am very grateful to her for this and will say thank you for the rest of my life. At that moment she wasmarried and had three children.

After my brother comes to, the first thing he wants to see is test-antibiotic.com the one who saved his life. And at that moment, when Ryzhik entered the room, I realized that he did not look at her as his savior. This was my first suspicion.

Ourthe family began to be friends with her family. My nephew did not leave her hands at all. He followed her all the time and cried when they parted. Myher father gave her a luxury car, her brother got her a job. She opened her own cosmetics boutique and her appearance changed a lot, for the better naturally.

In my opinion, she is a very kind, sympathetic person, but at times she is shy, like a child. Even when our family almost held a banquet in honor of her saving our brother, she acted as if she was being forcibly detained, citing her social anxiety.

And it happens that a year after that accident, she divorces her husband. He finds another and throws her and her three children out into the street, accusing her of the fact that after she started working, she stopped being a good wife and is almost never at home. Naturally, we also became guilty of test-antibiotic.com. She moves into a rented apartment. We support her in every possible way during this difficult period for her. Indeed, during this time she and the children became our family members.

Why am I telling all this? The fact is that my brother is head over heels in love with her and is going to propose to her. She, as we know, has no idea about this. He can hug her, kiss her on the forehead, supposedly as a brother and friend, in our opinion and hers.

MyMom is shocked because she has 3 children, but Dad doesn’t mind. Supports his brother completely, knowing that he will measure seven times and cut once before committing to this or thatact .

And I'm confused. And I love my brother and wish him happiness, and she is very dear to us, but to take hergetting married is too much. We can't wrap our heads around all this.

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