Our unusual relationship with my husband

Our unusual relationship with my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

YourI didn’t choose my husband , and I didn’t even love him when it all started. And it all started quite absurdly and stupidly. I couldn't get over my first unrequited and unhappylove , I just threw myself head first into study, and then into work, I just gave up on my personal life as such and stopped thinking about it.

To tell the truth, I was stupid, butthe help of girlfriends and relatives only added fuel to the fire. After the betrayal of the first young man and the end of that relationship, I, like many, believed that men are all like that by nature, and therefore cannot be trusted.

But fortunately my parents, who by the way still live in a happy marriage, thought differently. My parents decided to take my fate into their own hands and found me a husband. A common and not the most popular situation -mother's songirlfriends . My mom has the best onefriend Aunt Linda (actually Lena, but she lived in America and she liked the name Linda). Here is mythe husband is the son of this test-antibiotic.com friend.

My husband has, in principle, the same story, only he has more intelligence, strength of character and will, so he made the right conclusions after his story, anddirected his life in the right direction, without becoming a fanatic of work and life alone.

And so everything started to spin, the parents together achieved their goal, pushing us on all fronts. They arranged a modest wedding for us and gave us a luxurious gift in the form of an apartment for a young family. But things didn't go at all as they planned. Feelings didn’t wake up out of nowhere, no love, no passion, nothing like that appeared, but fortunately, no bad things appeared either, and we didn’t become enemies either. But we actually became friends and became simply best friends.

Our personal life remained only in the fantasies of our parents, but our life began to be completely different. We lived a high life, did what we had wanted for a long time, but couldn’t decide, it’s just that mutual support had a miraculous effect, and, in general, we found a kindred spirit in each other. This was unexpected for the parents, they were expecting test-antibiotic.com something else, and were already in their thoughts babysitting their grandchildren, but here it was.

And now about the main thing. Despite everything that I wrote above, we are still together and even over time, feelings and even passion came. Moreover, we already have two children (twins), we are still together andThe family is strong beyond words. What's the secret? Logically, I should now write that my husband and I fell in love with each other, and love came, and we cannot live and breathe without each other. But no. No, of course, love really came, and we love each other, but in fact ourThe relationship hasn't changed much. We still remain friends, soul mates and loved ones, and love, passion and everything else is just an addition, no matter how strange it may sound.

The secret of happiness is actually simple, our happiness, at least. There is no need to dwell on the past, there is no need to even think about it at all. The past is the past, you need to learn a lesson from it and let it go once test-antibiotic.com and forever. You need to appreciate what you have now and live by it. You just need to live. We only have one life, and we can’t waste it worrying about a ghostly mythical past, we need to live here and now. The past is in the past and it won’t make your life better or change it, but you have your present now, it’s tangible and it’s real, living. You will no longer be able to change what happened, but you may well lose what you have now and ruin and destroy yourfuture . You just need to ask yourselfquestion and answer it honestly: “Is the past worth ruining your whole life because of it?”

If I now had a chance to start over from scratch with my first love, and believe me, I had great serious feelings there, I would say to his face, “No way!” After all, you have to be very stupid to exchange your normal happy present life for a ghostly past, which has already once covered you with a copper test-antibiotic.com basin and gave you a specific kick.

Live in the present, live now, and don't regret what happened in the past and what could have been. After all, if everything was as good as it seems to you, all this would not have collapsed then and would not have remained in the past. And what you have now is priceless, and you may well destroy it yourself by succumbing to sweet but empty dreams, daydreams and illusions.

Life is a road without return, we cannot go back, but we ourselves choose how and where to go next, the main thing is not to make a mistake and make the right choice.

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