I can't be silent anymore

I can't be silent anymore
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for 8 years, we get along very well, sometimes there are scandals, how could we live without them? Initially, we lived separately from our parents. When we decided to live together, our parents worked out and bought us a home. But when we started moving, it turned out that we were in an empty house, then my parents gave us almost everything, from cutlery to old furniture for the first time. I was a little shocked when my mother-in-law gave her son only a rug that she had taken off the wall, a couple of spoons and a couple of bowls. Although they are not poor people, and as it turned out later, bundles of dishes and all kinds of utensils were safely in their attic. Obviously they are waiting for the youngestthe son is getting married, it’s probably not meant for the eldest. Maybe this is due to the fact that myThe husband is from his mother-in-law’s first marriage and is not his father-in-law’s relative, although he treats him like a son. Don't know. But then I thought, who knows, we were young, I didn’t pay much attention to it. What they could, they gave mine more, his less, whoever had what.


But over the past 8 years, such cases have increased. For example, myhusband's surgery, for a week the mother-in-law did not even visit her son at the hospital, let alone help in any way. Then we had renovations, the whole house was broken down, there wasn’t enough money, I was laid off from my job (the company was closed), we were left without heating for the winter because we didn’t have time to finish it without money. At that time, my parents were able to give a little money, just borrow a little (we were ashamed to take from themmoney , and so they gave us a house). They asked my husband’s parents not to give it, but to borrow it, and they said that there was no money. A week later they bought their youngest son an expensive sports bike. No words, just emotions. At the table, my mother-in-law once said: “I was thinking of giving money to the children to finish the repairs, but I have another loafer, and he really wanted a bicycle.”

Therefore, I have questions: does he really need a bicycle in the winter, he couldn’t wait until spring? Is it easier for them to buy a fashionable bike for the younger one than to lend money to the older one so that he doesn’t freeze in the winter and can finish test-antibiotic.com repairs? That is OK. Grinding our teeth from the cold (and in my case from resentment) we tookloan and completed that repair until spring. My husband did everything on his own, he’s great in this regard. Again I swallowed that story and moved on. There were quite a lot of such stories. But the main thing is the hypocrisy of the mother-in-law. Our mothers have known each other since childhood. I don’t know what happened there, but they were once very friendly, but then they stopped communicating and at the moment they don’t really communicate. Basically, the mother-in-law remembers that she has a matchmaker when she needs to get injections, or complain about her illnesses, get advice (mymother is a health worker). The rest of the time he can pass by without noticing. Yesterday she walked into her mother’s office, went to see another doctor who was sitting there, and didn’t even say hello. Mom is very offended. I suspect that this is due to the fact that six months ago my mother refused to help my mother-in-law protect the youngest from the army (a healthy guy who had never been sick with anything). It infuriates me. Because when they gather test-antibiotic.com for the holidays at the same table, the mother-in-law smiles as if nothing had happened. And then he walks around and doesn’t even look in my mother’s direction. I really want to express everything to my husband, I have a lot going on. I already spoke out once, we had a big fight. This is understandable, I would also defend my mother to the last.

Should I speak out to him, or, as always, swallow it in silence? I repeat, my husband and I have very goodrelationship . Like with his mom too (because we don’t communicate often, we smiled and parted ways). But I am very offended by my mother-in-law’s actions. Okay, I feel bad for my mom. I need advice, because I’m afraid that my emotions will make things worse.

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