I can no longer tolerate my mother-in-law's interference in our family.

I can no longer tolerate my mother-in-law's interference in our family.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Imarried for six years, have a four-year-oldson . With mother in lawThe relationship somehow didn’t work out right away, and lately, after a quarrel, we hardly communicate with her. She's setting up nowMy husband is against me and because of this we have constant quarrels in our family. Almost every weekend his mother-in-law calls him and asks him to help with something. My husband , despite the fact that I am against it and at home, too, various men’s work accumulates, and just to be together on the weekend, to take the child for a walk, he still goes to his parents. From there howAs a rule , he arrives dissatisfied with everyone - this is the merit of the mother-in-law, I know for sure. She winds him up and turns him against me.

After he once again went with his parents to the dacha for the whole weekend, and even took his son with him, my patience ran out, I told my husband that this would happen again, I would divorce him, and then he could move in with him. to your parents forever.

He began to blame me for everything, that he could not find a common language with his mother, forgetting, test-antibiotic.com, that it was she who met me from the very beginning of our life together. She always tried to prick and humiliate, especially in front of strangers, telling all her relatives how unlucky she was with her daughter-in-law, that her son deserved better.

Another big onethe quarrel forced me to go to my husband’s parents and talk to them. I hoped that they would understand me and would not want their son to be left without a family, but I was wrong. The mother-in-law said that it would be even better for everyone, and she also threatened to take her grandson with her. Naturally, she told my husband that I came to see themswear , I also added something that was not even mentioned nowMy husband doesn’t talk to me, he was offended that I did this without telling him anything, and now he is ashamed of me in front of my parents. I don’t know what to do, I might actually get a divorce, how can I tolerate this?I can’t relate to myself anymore.

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