I can't overcome my depression

I can't overcome my depression
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It so happened that I recently had to leave my place of work because of prejudice against methe attitude of the superiors is a personal antipathy. The boss created unbearable working conditions, I tried many times to talk to him positively and find out the reasons. By the way, the boss is only 1 goal older than me, I’m 26 years old. I have developed wonderful relationships with the rest of my colleagues, excellentteam , mutual understanding andhelp .

The result was my transfer to another place. About two months have passed and my condition from the first day at the new place is difficult to describe. Constant tears that cannot be stopped by anything, I can burst into tears while riding on public transport and cannot control this process in any way. I don’t want anything in life, I don’t want to communicate with anyone, my relationship with a young man has deteriorated because of this and we have now stopped communicating altogether, he cannot understand this state of mine. The evening also passes in tears, severe physical weakness has appeared, but at night I hardly sleep. There is a constant strong burning sensation in the chest andpain .

I took sedatives, but it didn’t even get any easier test-antibiotic.com. Relations with the team in the new place do not work out, I think the reason is in me. A strong aversion to work has appeared; in the workplace there is a constant desire to just get up and leave without telling anyone, and with these thoughts relief comes. The only thing that stops me is that I’m an adult and I need to earn money.money , you can’t just give up everything and leave. But this thought does not leave me.

What also stops me is that I walked for a very long time, and a lot was done to achieve this place, and it’s a pity to give it all up now. But I understand that in this statelife is simply unbearable. How to overcome everything?

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