I can't understand my ex-husband

I can't understand my ex-husband
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I can’t understand why after a divorce children are forDid your husband also become an “ex”? How can I explain to my daughter and son (8 and 11 years old) that dad doesn’t love them anymore and considers them strangers?

At first we moved in with my mother. There was no money to rent an apartment , we only started working after studying, and then I became pregnant, although we had not planned to have children for another five years. There wasn't enough moneymy husband did not want to communicate with my mother, he would come, eat and go straight to his room. I was ashamed that I was the only onethe man in the house does nothing, you have to ask a neighbor or someone you know to fix the faucet or adjust the balcony door. I also went shopping myself. And when was he born?son , it became completely unbearable.

My husband once said that he now understands the expression “everyday life is stuck.” Although, I repeat, I didn’t do anything around the house, except that the child would come out for an hour for a walk on the weekend while I cooked or cleaned. There was nothing to think about rest. But I endured everything, didn’t quarrel, thought,the child will grow up, will have his own home, then everything test-antibiotic.com will work out. But when my son turned one year old, I had to move to rented housing, because I saw that my husband did not want to continue living with his mother-in-law. His parents live in another city.

I tried to earn extra money, but it didn’t work out well with the child. The husband began to stay late at work, and then did not come to spend the night at all. He called in the morning to tell me to pack my things and go back to my mother, he would not come back. I barely persuaded him not to leave the family until my son went to kindergarten and I went to work. Reconciled, bornDaughter , everything seems to be fine. My mother-in-law sold the dacha and helped us buy a one-room apartment. For which I am very grateful to her.

I felt that my husband was cheating on me, but how could I even think about divorce with two children and no home! I endured it and pretended that I didn’t notice anything. Butthe relationship became colder and colder, and the husband himself proposeddivorce . The apartment is registered to my mother-in-law, my husband has nowhere to go, I still had to move in with my mother, but with two children. My husband promised to help, but apart from test-antibiotic.com he doesn’t give me a penny of alimony. He got married and already has a child. But our children are not interested in him. I can't understand this.

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