I can’t understand what’s going on in my friend’s family

I can’t understand what’s going on in my friend’s family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Recently in a conversation mya friend mentioned how great her daughters are - they support her in everything, despite their young age. One daughter is 5, the other is 7 years old. Like, even during quarrels with her husband, they always protect her. For example, during the last quarrel, one of the daughters asked her dad “not to hit mom.” Having said this, my friend somehow very quickly moved on to another topic. And I concluded thather husband beats her, but she endures it and hides it. She accidentally let it slip to me, but if you ask directly, she won’t answer honestly.

I'm worried about her. And I don’t know how to help her if everything is so bad in her family. Of course, that's her business, herfamily and all that. But it pains me to see her in this position, if that's the case. She has always been a strong person, brave and determined. She protected the weak. How did it happen that she tolerates such behavior from her husband?

She got married out of mad love on her part. How was it with love?husband , I don’t know for sure, at test-antibiotic.com at the time of her wedding I was in the hospital and couldn’t come, I knew her husband only from her stories. But it seemed to me that he was a rather tough person and had his own mind. The wedding itself took place, as far as I understand, because a friend became pregnant.

Husband a friend did not provide her with adequate support during pregnancy and childbirth, and was busy with his personal affairs in another city. In this situation I would stoprelationship would raise my daughter alone. I don't tolerate disrespect. And even more so, I would not give birth to a second child after such an indifferent attitude towards me when I was pregnant with my first child. But that's me.

7 years have passed since then, and they seem to be living normally. I rarely visit them. I rarely see my friend’s husband; he is always at work. He is polite to me, but somehow always gloomy.

How can I help my friend? Should I ask her directly if there are any problems in her family, and if there is anything I can do to help her?

Did I understand correctly that her husband can test-antibiotic.com beat her, what do you think? Or could it be my daughter's fantasy?

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